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Current issue : #58 | Release date : 2001-12-28 | Editor : Phrack Staff
IntroductionPhrack Staff
Phrack LoopbackPhrack Staff
Phrack SignalnoisePhrack Staff
Advanced return-into-lib(c) exploits (PaX case study)nergal
Runtime binary encryptionscut & grugq
Advances in kernel hackingpalmers
Linux on-the-fly kernel patching without LKMdevik & sd
Linux x86 kernel function hooking emulationmayhem
RPC without bordersstealth
Developing StrongARM/Linux shellcodefunkysh
HP-UX (PA-RISC 1.1) OverflowsZhodiac
The Security of Vita Vuova's Inferno OSdalai
Phrack World NewsPhrack Staff
Phrack magazine extraction utilityPhrack Staff
Title : Phrack World News
Author : Phrack Staff
                             ==Phrack Inc.==
               Volume 0x0b, Issue 0x3a, Phile #0x0d of 0x0e

|=----------------=[ P H R A C K  W O R L D  N E W S ]=------------------=|
|=---------------------------=[ phrackstaff ]=---------------------------=|

  Content in this news does not reflect the opinion of any particluar
phrack staff member. The news is exclusively done by the scene and
for the scene.
In cleartext this means that we honestly do not care if you feel
uncomfortable or offended by the news - in fact PWN is a place many
people use to express _their_ opinion and to tell the world about
what's going wrong.

You have the chance to complain about this at: loopback@phrack.org.
If you feel the need to submit news, do so at: disorder@phrack.org.

If you think you are smart enough to moderate the PWN in Phrack #59 then
take a deep breath and think about it again. If you still think you can 
make it, mail us at phrackstaff@phrack.org. 

Today's PWN is dedicated to the MPAA, the FBI, SecretService
and any other world domination organization. 

  0x01: cDc media control
  0x02: Hack-orist
  0x03: First international treaty on cybercrime
  0x04: CALEA - how we pay others to spy on us
  0x05: various news

|=[ 0x01 - cDc media control ]=------------------------------------------=|

  At Hope2000/NYC cDc leadership announced a new project of building an
infrastructure of tunnels and access points to grant unrestricted access
to the internet to users from foreign countries who are legally not allowed
to surf outside the government applied borders of 'their' internet.
China was one of their targets.

  The very same group announced on the 26th of Nov their cooperation
with the FBI to plan, build and deploy best-of-breed electronic surveillance


  The story rushed through the newstickers of the world and was soon
picked up by other news agencies...not realizing the excellent work of
satire by cDc. 


Amazing how easy it is to bluff big new agencies.....no comment.

FBI's new toy (Magic Lantern, virus-like keystroke logger):
URL: http://www.msnbc.com/news/660096.asp?cp1=1

  Reports are coming in about the new FBI traffic matching device
becoming fully operational. Traffic matching devices are long known to
various agencies but have not been used widely across the internet.
The basic idea is to build a network of drones/sniffers which records
traffic 'waves' for a limited time period. A master can search through
all drones/sniffers and determine the path of a 'wave' (e.g traffic peak)
through the internet. The results are the same for crypted (ssh, ipsec, ..)
or bounced connections - as long as traffic flows from the source to
the destination. Padding the traffic with random data does not fool the
device. This is basic knowledge for anyone familiar with wavelets
transformation (Random padded data would just result in a few more
'wavelet stars' in a visualized wavelet transformation). 

SSH in line mode (axssh) is not enough to fool the device. Splitting
the traffic stream into many fake streams may fool the device. The
required amount of traffic is most often not acceptable.

URL: http://hes.iki.fi/pub/ham/unix/utils/
URL: http://www.wavelets.com

|=[ 0x02 - Hack-orist ]=--------------------------------------------------=|

Russ Cooper want all of you virus writers/Hackorists in jail:

Hackers face life imprisonment under 'Anti-Terrorism' Act:

Electronic Pearl Harbor and the fear against Super-Hackers:

Random quotes:
"Most of the terrorism offenses are violent crimes, or crimes involving
 chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons. But the list also includes the
 provisions of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act that make it illegal to
 crack a computer for the purpose of obtaining anything of value [..].
 Likewise, launching a malicious program [..] are included in the
 definition of terrorism."

"To date no terrorists are known to have violated the Computer Fraud and 
 Abuse Act."

"... the five year statute of limitations for hacking would be abolished
 retroactively -- allowing computer crimes committed decades ago to be
 prosecuted today -- and the maximum prison term for a single conviction
 would be upped to life imprisonment. There is no parole in the federal
 justice system.
 Those convicted of providing "advice or assistance" to cyber crooks, or
 harboring or concealing a computer intruder, would face the same legal
 repercussions as an intrude."

|=[ 0x03 - First international treaty on cybercrime ]=-------------------=|

  The Council of Europe (CoE) published their latest elaboration of
the Cybercrime treaty. The Council has been established after World War II
in 1949. Since then the CoE takes care of the preparation and the
negotiation of European conventions and agreements. In its 52 years of
existence the CoE published 185 treaties (one paper every 4 month - that's
what you pay taxes for). Most of the treaties are publicly available on the
internet - with all classified information stripped out (yes, you also
pay taxes for the dude who strips out the information we are all most 
interested in).

Let's sum up what this 'First international treaty on cybercrime' is about:
- Anti-warez, computer-related fraud, violation of network security.
- Powers and procedures such as the search of computer networks
  and interception.
- Fostering international co-operation.
- As written in the preamble: "to protect the society against cybercrime".
- (Article 19/2.2c) Allows 'competent authorities' to modify or delete
  data on a suspect's computer.
- Force different ISP's to log and disclose traffic-data of a suspect
  up to a maximum of 90 days (Article 16 + 20/1b.ii + 21).
- Extradition of suspects who are punishable under these laws (A 24/1-7).
- Mutual assistance to the widest extent possible. A29 explicitely 
  gives a requesting party the right to order a requested party to
  seizure or disclose computer data.

  The treaty has been opened for signature on 23/11/01. 27 out of 43
countries gave their signature on the same day (including UK, Netherlands,
Italy, Iceland, Germany, France, ...). Four non-member States of the
Council of Europe signed the same as a sign of respect and support (USA,
South Africe, Japan and Canada).

The entire treaty is available at:

|=[ 0x04 - Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act ]=----------=|

aka CALEA [1].

   'The mission of the CALEA Implementation Section is to preserve
    Law Enforcement's ability to conduct lawfully-authorized electronic
    surveillance while preserving public safety, the public's right to
    privacy, and the telecommunications industry's competitiveness.'

CARL CAMERON, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT (voice-over):  The company is Comverse
Infosys, a subsidiary of an Israeli-run private telecommunications firm,
with offices throughout the U.S.  It provides wiretapping equipment for law
enforcement.  Here's how wiretapping works in the U.S.

Every time you make a call, it passes through the nation's elaborate network
of switchers and routers run by the phone companies.  Custom computers and
software, made by companies like Comverse, are tied into that network to
intercept, record and store the wiretapped calls, and at the same time
transmit them to investigators.

The manufacturers have continuing access to the computers so they can
service them and keep them free of glitches.  This process was authorized by
the 1994 Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act, or CALEA.
Senior government officials have now told Fox News that while CALEA made
wiretapping easier, it has led to a system that is seriously vulnerable to
compromise, and may have undermined the whole wiretapping system.

Indeed, Fox News has learned that Attorney General John Ashcroft and  FBI
Director Robert Mueller were both warned Oct. 18 in a hand-delivered letter
from 15 local, state and federal law enforcement  officials, who complained
that "law enforcement's current  electronic surveillance capabilities are
less effective today than they  were at the time CALEA was enacted."

Congress [probably means Comverse --DBM] insists the equipment it installs
is secure.  But the  complaint about this system is that the wiretap
computer programs made by Comverse have, in effect, a back door through
which wiretaps themselves can be intercepted by unauthorized parties.

Adding to the suspicions is the fact that in Israel, Comverse works closely
with the Israeli government, and under special programs, gets reimbursed
for up to 50 percent of its research and development costs by the Israeli
Ministry of Industry and Trade. But investigators within the DEA, INS and
FBI have all told Fox News that to pursue or even suggest Israeli spying
through Comverse is considered career suicide.

And sources say that while various F.B.I. inquiries into Comverse have been
conducted over the years, they've been halted before the actual equipment
has ever been thoroughly tested for leaks.  A 1999 F.C.C. document
indicates several government agencies expressed deep concerns that too many
unauthorized non-law enforcement personnel can access the wiretap system.
And the FBI's own nondescript office in Chantilly, Virginia that actually
oversees the CALEA wiretapping program, is among the most agitated about
the threat.

But there is a bitter turf war internally at F.B.I. It is the FBI's office
in Quantico, Virginia, that has jurisdiction over awarding contracts and
buying intercept equipment.  And for years, they've thrown much of the
business to Comverse.  A handful of former U.S. law enforcement officials
involved in awarding Comverse government contracts over the years now work
for the company.

Numerous sources say some of those individuals were asked to leave
government service under what knowledgeable sources call "troublesome
circumstances" that remain under administrative review within the Justice

Comments from Mr. Dean, Vice President for Technology Policy:

   "From the beginning, both the political Right and Left warned Congress
    and the FBI that they were making a huge mistake by implementing CALEA.
    That it would jeopardize the security of private communications,
    whether it's between a mother and her son or between government
    officials. The statement just issued by law enforcement agencies has
    confirmed our worst fears."

Do you want to know more?
[1] http://www.askcalea.net/

|=[ 0x05 - various news ]=-----------------------------------------------=|

Uncle Sam wants you to become a 'High-Tech-Crime-Network certificated
investigator' today! I thought the CISSP requirements cant be topped....

2001 - Captured the flag
<dude1> ssh and login exploitable
<foo2> heh i remember joking about these things a few years ago

DeCSS has been ruled "speech" by a California State Appeals Court,
overturning the lower court ruling.  Good news!

Operation Buccaneer (aka Operation Sundevil-II).
(announced as the 'multi billion dollar bust' in the media).

|=[ EO PWN ]=------------------------------------------------------------=|

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