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Title : Reversing Dart AOT snapshots
Author : cryptax
                             ==Phrack Inc.==

                Volume 0x10, Issue 0x47, Phile #0x0B of 0x11

|=---------------=[ Reversing Dart AOT snapshots ]=----------------------=|
|=--------------------------=[ cryptax ]=--------------------------------=|

-- Table of contents

0 - Introduction
1 - First steps at disassembling an AOT snapshot
  1.1 No entry point
  1.2 Function prologue
  1.3 Access to strings
  1.4 Function arguments are pushed on the stack
  1.5 Small integers are doubled
2 - Dart assembly registers
3 - The THR register
4 - The Dart Object Pool
5 - Snapshot serialization
6 - Representation of integers
7 - Function names
  7.1 Stripped or non-stripped binaries
  7.2 Trick for simple programs
  7.3 Retrieving function names in more complex situations
8 - Conclusion and perspectives

-- 0 - Introduction

Dart is an object-oriented programming language with a C-style syntax, and 
a few features such as sound null safety. Depending on the desired size vs 
performance trade-off, a Dart program can be compiled in various formats: 
kernel snapshots (the smallest, but the slowest), JIT snapshots, AOT 
snapshots, and self-contained executables (the biggest and fastest) [1]. 

Dart AOT snapshots offer a particular interesting ratio and are therefore 
used by Flutter release builds [2]. Flutter is an open source UI software 
development kit which offers the attractive ability to develop 
applications with a single code-base and compile them natively for Android 
and iOS, and also non-mobile platforms.

The issue for reverse engineers is that Dart AOT snapshots are notably 
difficult to reverse for the following main reasons:

    1. The produced assembly code uses many unique features: specific 
       registers, specific calling conventions, specific encoding of 

    2. Information about each class used in the snapshot can only be 
       read sequentially. There is no random access, meaning that it is 
       necessary to read information about lots of potentially non-
       interesting classes before we get to the one we are looking for.

    3. The format is not documented and has significantly evolved since 
       the first versions.

In this article, we will explain how to understand Dart assembly, and get 
the best out of disassemblers, even when they don't support Dart.

-- 1 - First steps at disassembling an AOT snapshot

To illustrate Dart assembly code, we'll work over a simple implementation 
of the Caesar algorithm in Dart (alphabet translation by 3). 
We encrypt/decrypt a string containing the sentence "Phrack Issue" 
followed by a randomly selected issue number.

    import 'dart:math'; // for Random
    class Caesar {
      int shift;
      Caesar({this.shift = 3});
      String encrypt(String message) {
        StringBuffer ciphertext = StringBuffer();
        for (int i = 0; i < message.length; i++) {
        	int charCode = message.codeUnitAt(i);
        	charCode = (charCode + shift) % 256;
        return ciphertext.toString();
      String decrypt(String ciphertext) {
        this.shift = -this.shift;
        String plaintext = this.encrypt(ciphertext);
        this.shift = -this.shift;
        return plaintext;
    void main() {
      print('Welcome to Caesar encryption');
      List<int> issues = [ 70, 71, 72 ];
      Random random = Random();
      final String message = 'Phrack Issue ${issues[random.nextInt(issues.length)]}';
      var caesar = Caesar();
      // Encrypt
      String ciphertext = caesar.encrypt(message);
      // Decrypt
      String plaintext = caesar.decrypt(ciphertext);

This source code can be compiled to the "AOT snapshot" output format (.aot
extension) using the Dart compiler:

    $ dart compile aot-snapshot phrack.dart
    Generated: /tmp/caesar/phrack.aot

The resulting snapshot is quite big for very simple code: 831,352 bytes 
for the non stripped version, and 541,616 bytes for the stripped version 
(option -S).

Let's begin with the non-stripped AOT snapshot, and load it in a 
disassembler. In this article, we'll use Radare 2 [3], but the result is 
largely the same with any disassembler (IDA Pro, Binary Ninja, Ghidra...).

-- 1.1 - No entry point

First of all, the disassembler fails to identify the entry point:

    ERROR: Cannot determine entrypoint, using 0x0004c000

The reason for this is that the disassembler does not understand the 
format of the AOT snapshot. Actually, a "Dart AOT snapshot" contains at 
least 2 snapshots: one AOT snapshot for Dart itself (Dart VM), and one 
AOT snapshot per isolate.

A Dart isolate is an independent unit of execution that runs concurrently 
with other isolates. Each isolate has its own memory heap, stack and event 
loop. There is always at least 1 isolate, possibly more if the application 
needs to handle background tasks while displaying other data, for instance. 
In the example below, the file contains the minimum 2 snapshots:

    $ objdump -T ./phrack.aot
    ./phrack.aot:     file format elf64-x86-64
    000000000004c000 g    DO .text    0000000000006860 _kDartVmSnapshotInstructions
    0000000000052880 g    DO .text    0000000000046910 _kDartIsolateSnapshotInstructions
    0000000000000200 g    DO .rodata  0000000000008a10 _kDartVmSnapshotData
    0000000000008c40 g    DO .rodata  000000000003f9d0 _kDartIsolateSnapshotData
    00000000000001c8 g    DO .note.gnu.build-id 0000000000000020 _kDartSnapshotBuildId

Radare arbitrarily sets 0x4c000 as the entry point because it is the 
address of the first symbol (kDartVmSnapshotInstructions). In reality, 
the main() of our Dart program is contained in a Dart isolate snapshot, 
and therefore its code is expected to be found within the text segment 
named kDartIsolateSnapshotInstructions.

Fortunately, if the executable is not stripped, we can search for main in
function names to locate our entry point:

    [0x0004c000]> afl~main
    0x00096b3c    8    351 main
    0x00097268    3     33 sym.main_1

sym.main_1 is a low level main() - just like __libc_start_main in C. The 
real entry point for the Dart program is "main" at 0x00096b3c. In Radare, 
we go to that address with the command "s" followed by the offset, and 
retrieve the name of the current symbol with "is.". You can see that 
main() is indeed in kDartVmSnapshotInstructions:

    [0x0004c000]> s main
    [0x00096b3c]> is.
    nth paddr      vaddr      bind   type size   lib name                              demangled
    2   0x00052880 0x00052880 GLOBAL OBJ  289040     _kDartIsolateSnapshotInstructions

-- 1.2 - Function prologue

The function prologue saves the base pointer on the stack and allocates 
some space. Then, there is an instruction comparing the stack pointer with 
an offset from register 14. What is this doing?

    push rbp
    mov rbp, rsp
    sub rsp, 0x30
    cmp rsp, qword [r14 + 0x38]

This is a Dart specificity that we'll discuss later. Let's first ask all 
the questions.

-- 1.3 - Access to strings

Our program outputs the welcome message "Welcome to Caesar encryption". We
expect to see those ASCII characters loaded in the main at some point. For
example, in the assembly produced by a similar C program, we have:

    lea rax, str.Welcome_to_Caesar_encryption
    mov rdi, rax
    call sym.imp.puts

The bytes at the address of symbol str.Welcome_to_Caesar_encryption are 
the ASCII characters of the string. Reciprocally, if we search cross 
references for this string ("axt"), we get the address of the lea 

    [0x000012c2]> s str.Welcome_to_Caesar_encryption
    [0x00002004]> px 20
    - offset -   4 5  6 7  8 9  A B  C D  E F 1011 1213  456789ABCDEF0123
    0x00002004  5765 6c63 6f6d 6520 746f 2043 6165 7361  Welcome to Caesa
    0x00002014  7220 656e                                r en
    [0x00002004]> axt
    main 0x139b [DATA:r--] lea rax, str.Welcome_to_Caesar_encryption

With the Dart assembly, we have no such thing. Those are the instructions 
before the first call to print(). One way or another, the string "Welcome 
to Caesar encryption" has to be provided, but we can't see it. We can only 
assume it is referenced by r15 + 0x168f, but what is r15, and where does 
that go?

    mov r11, qword [r15 + 0x168f]
    mov qword [rsp], r11
    call sym.printToConsole

From another angle, we do find the string in the list of strings ("iz") at
address 0x00033680, but there is apparently no reference to it ("axt" does 
not return any hit):

    [0x00096b3c]> iz~Welcome
    2589 0x00033680 0x00033680 28  29   .rodata ascii   Welcome to Caesar encryption
    [0x00096b3c]> axt @ 0x00033680

So, this is yet another mystery to solve: how are strings accessed? What 
is in r15? What is at r15 + 0x168f?

-- 1.4 - Function arguments are pushed on the stack

There is something else to notice in the Dart assembly above. Normally, 
at least the first few arguments of a function are copied to dedicated 
registers (the exact registers depend on the platform architecture). In 
Dart assembly, notice how function arguments are copied on the stack:

    mov qword [rsp], r11
    call sym.printToConsole

The argument for the method printToConsole() is in r11. This argument is 
copied to the address pointed at by rsp, the register stack pointer. This 
does not follow standard conventions [4]. We'll even allow ourselves to 
digress slightly: On x86-64, rsp is the name of the register holding a 
pointer to the stack. On Aarch64, there is normally no such register and 
Dart creates one, X15, that it uses as a stack pointer.

-- 1.5 - Small integers are doubled

In the Dart assembly code, just after the call to printToConsole, we 
notice startling instructions concerning an array:

    call sym.printToConsole
    mov rbx, qword [r14 + 0x68]
    mov r10d, 6
    call sym.stub__iso_stub_AllocateArrayStub
    mov qword [var_8h], rax
    mov r11d, 0x8c
    mov qword [rax + 0x17], r11
    mov r11d, 0x8e
    mov qword [rax + 0x1f], r11
    mov r11d, 0x90
    mov qword [rax + 0x27], r11

Our Dart source code has a single array: the array of Phrack issues with 
values 70, 71 and 72 (in hexadecimal: 0x46, 0x47 and 0x48):

    List<int> issues = [ 70, 71, 72 ];

Instead, the code appears to be loading values 0x8c, 0x8e and 0x90. Why? 
This is the final mystery we'll solve in this article.

-- 2 - Dart assembly registers

In our previous experiments, we have encountered r14, r15, and we also 
discussed X15 on Aarch64. The source code explains what these registers 
are assigned to. For example, this is an excerpt of defined constants for 
the x86-64 platform:

    enum Register {
      RAX = 0,
      RCX = 1,
      RDX = 2,
      RBX = 3,
      RSP = 4,  // SP
      RBP = 5,  // FP
      RSI = 6,
      RDI = 7,
      R8 = 8,
      R9 = 9,
      R10 = 10,
      R11 = 11,  // TMP
      R12 = 12,  // CODE_REG
      R13 = 13,
      R14 = 14,  // THR
      R15 = 15,  // PP
    // Caches object pool pointer in generated code.
    const Register PP = R15;
    const Register THR = R14;  // Caches current thread in generated code.

The comments are particularly helpful. We learn Dart features a dedicated
register pointing to the object pool (PP), and another register pointing 
to the current thread. In Aarch64 the comments explicitly assign x15 as 
the Stack Pointer (SP), "SP in Dart code". The other registers, like the 
Frame Pointer (FP), Link Register (LR) and Program Counter (PC), use the 
default values for their architecture:

    + ------------ + ----- + ----- + ----- +
    |              |  PP   |  THR  |   SP  |
    + ------------ + ----- + ----- + ----- +
    | x86-64       | r15   |  r14  | rsp   |
    | Aarch32      | r5    |  r10  | r13   |
    | Aarch64      | x27   |  x26  | x15   |
    + ------------ + ----- + ----- + ----- +

-- 3 - The THR register

We just said Dart dedicates a register to holding a pointer to the 
current running thread. This is interesting in a reverse engineering 
context because the offsets to various elements are known. For example, 
we know that the stack limit is at THR + 0x38 (see: Dart SDK source code; 
in runtime/vm/compiler/runtime_offsets_extracted.h, search for

This helps us solve the mystery we mentioned in 1.2. On x86-64, the THR 
register is held by r14. So, the last assembly line compares the stack 
pointer with the stack limit:

    push rbp                    ; save base pointer on the stack
    mov rbp, rsp                ; update base pointer
    sub rsp, 0x30               ; allocate space on the stack
    cmp rsp, qword [r14 + 0x38] ; compare with stack limit

In other words, the last instruction ensures that the operation we 
performed on the stack do not go beyond its limit, i.e. that there is no 
stack overflow.

Similarly, we find that THR + 0x68 is a null object. So, the instructions 
below actually pass a null object as argument to the constructor of the 
Random class:

    mov r11, qword [r14 + 0x68] ; store null object in r11
    mov qword [rsp], r11        ; push r11 on the stack
    call sym.new_Random         ; call constructor for Random()

-- 4 - The Dart Object Pool

The Object Pool is a table which stores and references frequently used 
objects, immediates and constants within a Dart program.

For example, this is an excerpt of an Object Pool. See how it contains 
objects (InternetAddressType), strings ("Unexpected address type"), 
lists, etc:

    [pp+0x170] Obj!InternetAddressType@3a7c81 : {
      off_8: int(0x2)
    [pp+0x178] String: "Unexpected address type "
    [pp+0x180] String: "%"
    [pp+0x188] List(5) [0, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, Null]
    [pp+0x190] List(5) [0, 0x3, 0x3, 0x3, Null]

In the assembly code, objects from the Object Pool are no longer accessed 
directly, but by an offset to the beginning of the pool. This value is 
held by the dedicated PP register.

Let's go back to our string mystery (1.3), when we wondered where the 
input string "Welcome to Caesar encryption" was. Such a string is held 
in the Object Pool. In x86-64, the register to access the pool is r15. 
We spot it just before the call to the encrypt() method. The instruction 
loads an object from the object pool at offset 0x168f, and passes it on 
the stack as an argument to printToConsole().

    mov r11, qword [r15 + 0x168f]
    mov qword [rsp], r11
    call sym.printToConsole

As this is our first print, and we know it prints "Welcome to Caesar
encryption", we deduce the string is referenced in the Object Pool at 
this offset. The reason for this is simple. If the reverse engineering 
were more complex, we'd have nothing to guide us. The real issue is that 
disassemblers do not read the Object Pool and let us know what is at a 
given offset.

-- 5 - Snapshot serialization

Why aren't disassemblers reading the Object Pool? What's difficult about 
that? To answer this question, we need to explain the AOT snapshot format.

A Dart AOT snapshot consists of :

- A Header. It holds a magic value (0xdcdcf5f5), the snapshot size, kind 
  and hash. The snapshot hash identifies the Dart SDK version.

- A Cluster Information structure. A cluster is a set of objects with 
  the same Dart type. For example, the structure contains the number 
  of clusters.

- Several serialized clusters. This as a raw dump of each cluster:

    +----------------------------- +
    +    Dart AOT Header           +
    + ---------------------------- +
    + Cluster Information          +
    + ---------------------------- +
    + Serialized Cluster 1         +
    + ---------------------------- +
    + Serialized Cluster 2         +
    + ---------------------------- +
    + Serialized Cluster 3         +
    + ---------------------------- +
    +            ...               +
    + ---------------------------- +

For reverse engineering, we wish to parse the AOT snapshot format. 
Reading  the header is easy. This is the snapshot header of our Phrack 
AOT snapshot, parsed with a Flutter header parser[5]:

      offset  = 35904 (0x8c40)
      size    = 92106
      kind    = SnapshotKindEnum.kFullAOT
      dart sdk version = 3.3.0
      features= product no-code_comments no-dwarf_stack_traces_mode
      no-lazy_dispatchers dedup_instructions no-tsan no-asserts x64 linux
      no-compressed-pointers null-safety

Reading the Cluster Information is slightly more difficult because it 
uses a custom LEB128 format, but once we're aware of that, it poses no 
more difficulty.

The complexity lies with reading serialized clusters. While we are mostly
interested in the serialized Object Pool (yes, the Object Pool is a Dart 
type, therefore it is serialized in its own cluster), the Dart SDK has 
over 150 clusters. Unfortunately, there is no way to reach a given cluster 
(e.g. the Object Pool), we must de-serialize each cluster one by one until 
we reach the one we are interested in. Said differently, there is no 
random access in the snapshot, only sequential access. So, to de-serialize 
the Object Pool, we must actually implement de-serialization of all 
clusters, because we have no idea which cluster will be dumped before the 
Object Pool.

This is lots of work, and an additional issue is that the Dart AOT format 
is not officially documented and continues to evolve with new Dart SDK 
versions. New versions change flags (for example, the header flag which 
uses to indicate a "generic snapshot" is now used to identify an AOT 
snapshot), but also many clusters have appeared. This is why tools such 
as Darter [6] and Doldrum [7] unfortunately no longer work. In theory, 
those tools could be ported to the current Dart SDK version, but it would 
require extensive work, and we do not know how long that work would remain 

To circumvent this issue, Blutter [8] uses another strategy. It implements 
a Dart AOT snapshot dumper, compiled with the appropriate Dart SDK, and 
uses it to parse the input snapshot. The tool reads the Object Pool and 
dumps annotated assembly code. It is currently, however, limited to 
Flutter applications for Android on Aarch64.

-- 6 - Representation of integers

Dart actually supports 2 types of integers: small integers (SMI) and big
integers, which are actually called "Mint" for Medium Integer. Small 
integers fit in 31 bits. If they don't fit, they use the Mint type. The 
least significant bit is reserved as an indicator: 0 for SMI, and 1 for 

    + -------------------------------- + - +
    | 31 30 39 ..................... 1 | 0 |
    + -------------------------------- + - +
    | Value                            | I |
    + -------------------------------- + - +

The immediate consequence to this design choice is that all small integers 
appear to have their value multiplied by 2.

If we go back to the assembly of 1.5, the instructions appear to be 
loading values 0x8c, 0x8e and 0x90:

    mov r10d, 6
    call sym.stub__iso_stub_AllocateArrayStub
    mov qword [var_8h], rax
    mov r11d, 0x8c
    mov qword [rax + 0x17], r11
    mov r11d, 0x8e
    mov qword [rax + 0x1f], r11
    mov r11d, 0x90
    mov qword [rax + 0x27], r11

However, if we look more closely according to Dart's representation, the 
least significant bit of each of those values is 0. Thus, they are SMIs, 
and their value fits on bits 1-31. The represented values are consequently 
0x8c / 2 = 70, 71 and 72 - which are the 3 integers we put in our integer 

The same applies to the first instruction: the apparent value of 6 is 
provided as argument to the array stub function. This is a SMI, so we 
are initializing an array of 3 cells (6 divided by 2).

For reverse engineering, knowing about this integer representation is
particularly useful when strings are represented as lists of ASCII code 
values. When the ASCII code for character A is 0x41, the assembly will 
actually need to load a hexadecimal literal of 0x82.

In Radare, the representation of Small Integers can be handled by a simple
r2pipe script [9]. For example, in the assembly below, the comments for 
the 3 small integers were generated by the script:

    mov r11d, 0x8c              ; Load 0x46 (decimal=70, character="F")
    mov qword [rax + 0x17], r11
    mov r11d, 0x8e              ; Load 0x47 (decimal=71, character="G")
    mov qword [rax + 0x1f], r11
    mov r11d, 0x90              ; Load 0x48 (decimal=72, character="H")
    mov qword [rax + 0x27], r11

-- 7 - Function names

-- 7.1 - Stripped or non-stripped binaries

When Dart AOT snapshots are not stripped, disassemblers easily find 
function names. For example, these are all methods of the Caesar class:

    [0x0009ec7c]> afl~Caesar
    0x00096c9c    3     80 sym.Caesar.decrypt
    0x00096d28   10    245 sym.Caesar.encrypt
    0x00096e20    1     11 sym.new_Caesar

But, naturally, AOT snapshots can be stripped (-S option at compilation 
time), and disassemblers are unable to recover function names and generate 
dummy names instead:

    0x00050d34   20    490 fcn.00050d34
    0x0005a0d8    3    121 fcn.0005a0d8
    0x0005c440    6    129 fcn.0005c440
    0x0007d210    1     30 fcn.0007d210
    0x000768d0    1     90 fcn.000768d0

It is then particularly difficult to spot the main() or methods of the 
Caesar class. They (probably) won't be at the same address, and there is 
no easy way to locate them, as the assembly code contains no noticeable 
string, no access to the Object Pool and no function name.

-- 7.2 - Trick for simple programs

In simple programs, we can search for particular instructions. For 
example, our main() initializes an array of integers. Assigning the 
first value is done with the instruction "mov r11d, 0x8c". We can search 
for this instruction.

Note this technique is unlikely to yield good results in a real reverse
engineering situation, because (1) we don't know what to look for, (2) we 
don't have access to the non stripped version, and (3) searching for an 
instruction will return too many hits.

In the case of our simple Caesar program, the trick works and we are 
extremely lucky to have a single hit:

    [0x0007451f]> /ad mov r11d, 0x8c
    0x000744b5         41bb8c000000  mov r11d, 0x8c

With several hits, we would have had to inspect the assembly lines around 
the hit and check if it matches what the main() is expected to do.

We recognize the main as function fcn.00074480 (in Radare, command "afi" 
tells you which function you are in, and "pi 15" disassemble 15 

    [0x00034000]> s 0x000744b5
    [0x000744b5]> afi~name
    name: fcn.00074480
    [0x000744b5]> s fcn.00074480
    [0x00074480]> pi 15
    push rbp
    mov rbp, rsp
    sub rsp, 0x28
    cmp rsp, qword [r14 + 0x38]
    jbe 0x745cd
    mov r11, qword [r15 + 0x166f]
    mov qword [rsp], r11
    call fcn.00074ac4
    mov rbx, qword [r14 + 0x68]
    mov r10d, 6
    call fcn.0007e968
    mov qword [var_8h], rax
    mov r11d, 0x8c
    mov qword [rax + 0x17], r11
    mov r11d, 0x8e

-- 7.3 - Retrieving function names in more complex situations

There are currently 3 workarounds:

1. JEB Pro Disassembler [10]. It is able to read the Object Pool and 
   retrieve function names in most situations. However, the tool is not 
   free and a license must be purchased.

2. reFlutter [11]. This open source tool patches the Flutter library to 
   dump function name offsets when it runs into them. The drawback with 
   this tool is that (1) it only works with Flutter applications, not 
   plain Dart snapshots, (2) the application needs to be recompiled with 
   the patched library, and (3) it is a dynamic analysis approach, 
   meaning reFlutter actually runs the application and only dumps parts 
   it gets into.

3. Blutter [8] is an other open source tool we have already mentioned. 
   It dumps assembly code with function names and their corresponding 
   offset. The tool currently only supports Android Flutter applications 
   generated for Aarch64.

For example, I have created a basic application with a basic widget 
implementing the Caesar algorithm. The application has a class MyApp, 
with a constructor and 2 methods: build(), which creates the widget, and 
work() which performs Caesar encryption/decryption. I compiled the 
application for Android Aarch64 and used Blutter on it:

    // class id: 1442, size: 0xc, field offset: 0xc
    //   const constructor,
    class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
      _ build(/* No info */) {
        // ** addr: 0x221aec, size: 0x120
        // 0x221aec: EnterFrame
        //     0x221aec: stp             fp, lr, [SP, #-0x10]!
        //     0x221af0: mov             fp, SP
        // 0x221af4: AllocStack(0x28)
        //     0x221af4: sub             SP, SP, #0x28
        // 0x221af8: CheckStackOverflow
        //     0x221af8: ldr             x16, [THR, #0x38]  ; THR::stack_limit
      _ work(/* No info */) {
        // ** addr: 0x221c24, size: 0x288
        // 0x221c24: EnterFrame

The dumped assembly shows:

- The address of build(): 0x221aec
- The address of xor_stage3(): 0x221c24
- And the instructions for both methods.

The instructions are annotated with the function name or the pool object 
when the case applies, making the assembly easier to understand. For 
example, see how Blutter shows the string "Welcome to Caesar encryption":

    // 0x221c78: r16 = "Welcome to Caesar encryption"
    //     0x221c78: ldr             x16, [PP, #0x6e40]  ; [pp+0x6e40] "Welcome to Caesar encryption"
    // 0x221c7c: str             x16, [SP]
    // 0x221c80: r0 = printToConsole()
    //     0x221c80: bl              #0x159df4  ; [dart:_internal] ::printToConsole

Finally, remember that earlier we noticed the x86-64 assembly was passing 
a null object, via THR + 0x68, as an argument to the constructor of the 
Random class. In Blutter, we see the assembly for Aarch64 is different. 
It doesn't use the THR register for that and explicitly passes NULL:

    // 0x221cac: str             NULL, [SP]
    // 0x221cb0: r0 = Random()
    //     0x221cb0: bl              #0x206268  ; [dart:math] Random::Random

Overall, the different annotations of Blutter make assembly easier to 
read,  and it would be helpful to have them for other platforms and 
integrate the same features in disassemblers.

-- 8 - Conclusion and perspectives

With this article, you should be able to understand the format of Dart 
AOT snapshots, and grasp the complexity of parsing the Object Pool or 
de-serialize any cluster.

We have explained the use of the dedicated THR and PP registers. You are 
able to understand the assembly of function prologues, how strings or any 
other object of the object pool is loaded, and how lists of integers are 

We have also provided tricks and tools to parse the Object Pool and 
recover function names, even in the case of stripped snapshots.

Major disassemblers are likely to add support for Dart in the next few 
months or years. However, this is really only viable if the Dart SDK 
becomes stable enough for such work to be worth it. Meanwhile, we seem 
better off integrating strategies, such as Blutter, which recompile tools 
from the Dart SDK.

-- References

[1] https://dart.dev/tools/dart-compile#types-of-output
[2] https://flutter.dev
[3] https://www.radare.org/
[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86_calling_conventions#x86-64_calling_conventions
[5] https://github.com/cryptax/misc-code/blob/master/flutter/flutter-header.py
[6] https://github.com/mildsunrise/darter
[7] https://github.com/rscloura/Doldrums
[8] https://github.com/worawit/blutter
[9] https://github.com/cryptax/misc-code/blob/master/flutter/dart-bytes.py
[10] https://pnfsoftware.com
[11] https://github.com/Impact-I/reFlutter

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