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Current issue : #50 | Release date : 1997-04-09 | Editor : daemon9
IntroductionPhrack Staff
Phrack LoopbackPhrack Staff
Line Noisevarious
Phrack Prophile on Aleph1Phrack Staff
Linux TTY hijackinghalflife
SNMP insecuritiesAlhambra
Cracking NT PasswordsNihil
SS7 Diverter plansMastermind
Skytel Paging and VoicemailpbxPhreak
Hardwire Interfacing under LinuxProfessor
PC Application Level SecuritySideshow Bob
DTMF signalling and decodingMr. Blue
DCO Operating Systemmrnobody
Phrack World NewsAlhambra
extract.cPhrack Staff
Title : extract.c
Author : Phrack Staff
                                .oO Phrack 50 Oo.

                            Volume Seven, Issue Fifty

                                     16 of 16

                      extract.c by Phrack Staff and sirsyko

/*  extract.c by Phrack Staff and sirsyko 
 *  Phrack Magazine, 1997 
 *  Extracts textfiles from a specially tagged flatfile into a hierarchical 
 *  directory strcuture. Use to extract source code from any of the articles 
 *  in Phrack Magazine (first appeared in Phrack 50).
 *  gcc -o extract extract.c
 *  ./extract filename   

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv){ 

    char *s="<++> ",*e="<-->",b[256],*bp; 
    FILE *f,*o = NULL; 
    int l, n, i=0; 

    l = strlen(s); 
    n = strlen(e); 

    if(argc<2) {
        printf("Usage: %s <inputfile>\n",argv[0]);

    if(! (f=fopen(argv[1], "r"))) {
        printf("Could not open input file.\n");

    while(fgets(b, 256, f)){ 

        if(!strncmp (b, s, l)){ 
	    b[strlen(b)-1] = '\0'; 

	        while (bp){ 
		    mkdir(b+l, 0700); 
	    if((o = fopen(b+l, "w"))) 
	        printf("- Extracting %s\n",b+l);
	    else {
		printf("Could not extract '%s'\n",b+l);
        else if(!strncmp (b, e, n)){
	    if(o) fclose(o);
	    else {
	        printf("Error closing file.\n");
        else if(o) {
            fputs(b, o);
    if(!i) printf("No extraction tags found.\n");



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