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.:: Introduction to the FedLine software system ::.

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Current issue : #49 | Release date : 1996-11-08 | Editor : daemon9
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Introduction to Telephony and PBX systemscavalier
Project Loki: ICMP TunnelingAlhambra & daemon9
Project Hades: TCP weaknessesdaemon9
Introduction to CGI and CGI vulnerabilitiesG. Gilliss
Content-Blind CancelbotDr. Dimitri Vulis
A Steganography Improvement Proposalcjm1
South Western Bell Lineman Work CodesIcon
Introduction to the FedLine software systemParmaster
Telephone Company Customer Applicationsvoyager
Smashing The Stack For Fun And ProfitAleph1
TCP port Stealth ScanningUriel
Phrack World Newsdisorder
Title : Introduction to the FedLine software system
Author : Parmaster
                              .oO Phrack 49 Oo.

                          Volume Seven, Issue Forty-Nine

                                    12 of 16


                    FEDLINE (Message and Code Definitions)

                  Your PC Window to the Federal Reserve Bank
                                by ParMaster


    The FEDLINE software package is a common Bank client for the Federal
Reserve.  Used by Banks, Credit Unions, and other Financial Institutions,
the amount of funds transferred on a daily basis matches or exceeds the 
daily volume of all other EFT networks.  FEDLINE uses hardware encryption
through a special PC card which operates using the US National Bureau of 
Standards, Data Encryption Standard.  This file is not my attempt to 
demystify its operation, but to provide a categorical list of the codes.  
I accept no responsibility for anyone's use or misuse of the information 
contained in this file.


                        Type and Subtype Code Definitions

Funds Transfer Messages.

Accounting status of a message indicates how the message is
to be processed into the FUNDS balances of the FEDLINE Reserve
Account Monitor from the standpoint of the original DI.

  Status Codes:
                                D = Debit Transaction
                                C = Credit Transaction
                                N = Non-accountable Transaction

                                (Valid for ALL Messages.)


                        Regular Funds Transfer Messages

Type/Sub                  Acct. Status            Description
~~~~~~~~                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1000                          D                   Transfer of Funds

1001                          N                   Request for Reversal
                                                  of current day Funds

1002                          D                   Transfer of Funds

1003                          D                   Transfer of Funds Return
                                                  (Sent by FRB only)

1007                          N                   Request for Reversal of
                                                  Prior Day Funds Transfer

1008                          D                   Prior Day Transfer of
                                                  Funds Reversal

1020                          D                   Transfer of Funds
                                                  Requiring As-Of

1031                          N                   Request for Customer

1032                          D                   Transfer Honoring Request
                                                  for Customer Drawdown

1033                          N                   Refusal of Request for
                                                  Customer Drawdown

1040                          D                   Structured Transfer
                                                  of Funds.

1090                          N                   Service Message regarding
                                                  Funds Transfer


                        Foreign Funds Transfers

Type/Sub                  Acct. Status            Description
~~~~~~~~                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

1500                            D                 Transfer of Funds

1501                            N                 Request for Reversal of
                                                  Current Day Foreign
                                                  Account Transfer

1502                            D                 Transfer of Funds

1503                            D                 Transfer of Funds
                                                  (Sent by FRB only)

1507                            N                 Request for Reversal of
                                                  Prior Day Foreign Account

1508                            D                 Prior Day Transfer of
                                                  Funds Reversal

1531                            N                 Foreign Account Request
                                                  for Funds

1532                            D                 Transfer Honoring
                                                  Request for Funds

1533                            N                 Foreign Account Refusal
                                                  of Request for Funds

1540                            D                 Structured Funds Transfer

1590                            N                 Service Message regarding
                                                  Foreign Account Transfer


                        Settlement Funds Transfer Messages

Type/Sub                  Acct. Status            Description
~~~~~~~~                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1600                            D                 Transfer of Funds

1601                            N                 Request for Reversal of
                                                  Current Day Settlement

1602                            D                 Transfer of Funds

1603                            D                 Transfer of Funds
                                                  (Sent by FRB only)

1607                            N                 Request for Reversal of
                                                  Prior Day Settlement

1608                            D                 Prior Day Transfer of
                                                  Funds Reversal

1620                            D                 Funds Transfer Requiring
                                                  As-Of Adjustment

1631                            N                 Request for Bank-to-Bank

1632                            D                 Transfer Honoring Request
                                                  for Bank-to-Bank Drawdown

1633                            N                 Refusal of Request for
                                                  Bank-to-Bank Drawdown

1640                            D                 Structured Transfer of

1690                            N                 Service Message regarding
                                                  Settlement Transfer

3004                            N                 Check Return Item

3006                            N                 Check Return Item

3009                            N                 Check Return Item
                                                  Duplicate Notification

3090                            N                 Check Return Item
                                                  Service Message


                        Securities Transfer Messages.

Accounting status of message indicates how the message is to be
processed into the SECURITIES balances of the FEDLINE Reserve Account
Monitor from the standpoint of the original DI. For Securities
messages, this should indicate the direction of the Cash side of the

Type/Sub                  Acct. Status            Description
~~~~~~~~                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2000                            C                 Security Transfer Message

2001                            N                 Request for Reversal of
                                                  Security Transfer

2002                            C                 Reversal of Security

2008                            N                 Request for Shipment of
                                                  Definitive Agency

2090                            N                 Service Message regarding
                                                  Securities Transfer

2500                            C                 Original Issue (OI)
                                                  (Sent by FRB or
                                                   Agency only)

2501                            N                 Request for Reversal of
                                                  OI Transfer

2502                            C                 Reversal of OI Transfer

2590                            N                 Service Message regarding
                                                  OI Transfer

2700                            C                 Government Agency
                                                  Securities Charge
                                                  (Sent by FRB or
                                                   Agency only)

2705                            C                 Adjustment to Government
                                                  Agency Securities
                                                  (Sent by FRB or
                                                   Agency only)

2790                            N                 Service Message regarding
                                                  Government Agency
                                                  Securities Charge

2800                            D                 Government Agency
                                                  Securities Credit
                                                  (Sent by FRB or
                                                   Agency only)

2805                            D                 Adjustment to Government
                                                  Agency Securities
                                                  (Sent by FRB or
                                                   Agency only)

2890                            N                 Service Message regarding
                                                  Government Agency
                                                  Securities Credit

8200                            N                 Conversion of Security
                                                  from BE to Bearer

8202                            N                 Reversal of BE to Bearer
                                                  (Sent by FRB or 
                                                   Agency only)

8800                            N                 Conversion of Security
                                                  from BE to Registered

8802                            N                 Reversal of BE to
                                                  Registered Conversion
                                                  (Sent by FRB or
                                                   Agency only)

8900                            D                 Maturity Payment
                                                  (Sent by FRB or 
                                                   Agency only)

8906                            D                 Interest Payment
                                                  (Sent by FRB or 
                                                   Agency only)

8990                            N                 Service Message regarding
                                                  Maturity and Interest


                        Message Status Codes

  A list of status codes that may appear on the bottom of your screen
  while processing messages:

ENTRY CODES - assigned when a message is entered or intentionally
              withheld from transmission for a variety of reasons,
              such as insufficient Local Reserve Account Monitor
              funds. Includes messages which are not verified,
              or warehoused for future transmission.

                            ET  Entered Transaction
                            EH  Entered to be held
                            EW  Entered to be Warehoused
                            MC  Marked for Correction
                            MS  Marked for safe-stored
HELD CODES - assigned when a message is intentionally detained from
             further processing until a FEDLINE operator releases it.

                            HT Held Transaction (by operator)
                            HS Held by supervisory order
                            HM Held by account monitor
                            HO Held because terminal is off-line

LOCAL COMPLETION CODES - assigned when a message has been warehoused and
                         verified or canceled.

                            VW Transaction Warehoused
                            CN Transaction Canceled
                            DN Done

TRANSMISSION CODES - assigned when a message is ready for transmission or
                     after transmission has been completed.  
                     The transmission status of a message is updated by
                     Short Acknowledgments and responses from the
                     host computer.

                            TQ Queued for Transmission
                            TC Transmission Completed
                            TH Transmission rejected by host
                            TU Transmission Unconfirmed
                            TA Transmitted and Accepted
                            TR Transmitted and rejected
                            TI Transmitted but intercepted


                        Batch Status Codes

  The following list of status codes describes the processing condition
  of an ACH batch.  A status code appears in the upper right corner of
  the ACH batch header and batch balancing screens, as well as the
  Return Item and Notification of Change screens. Status codes can be
  used to retrieve batches from the Batch Selection Criteria Screens for
  further processing.

Entry Codes - assigned when a batch is created. Includes all batches which
              are balanced and ready for collection.
                            ET Entered
                            VR Verified / Balanced
Local Completion Codes - assigned when a batch has been canceled

                            CN Canceled
Transmission Codes - assigned when a batch is selected and queued for    
                     transmission. Includes batches that were not
                     transmitted due to an error.

                            CL Collected
                            IP Interrupted Processing

                        File Status Codes

    The following list of status codes describes the processing
    condition of ACH files.

Entry Codes - assigned when a file is created or received.
                            ET File Created 
                            RC File Received 

Local Completion Codes - assigned after an incoming file has been processed
                         from the FRB.

                            RP File Received and Processed

Transmission Codes - assigned when a file is queued for transmission or
                     after transmission has been completed.  Includes
                     files which were not transmitted due to some
                     processing error.
                            TQ File created and queued in PC
                            TC Transmitted complete to host queue
                            IP Interrupted Processing

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