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.:: Line Noise Part I ::.

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Current issue : #43 | Release date : 1993-07-01 | Editor : Erik Bloodaxe
IntroductionDatastream Cowboy
Phrack Loopback Part IPhrack Staff
Phrack Loopback Part II / EditorialPhrack Staff
Line Noise Part IPhrack Staff
Line Noise Part IIPhrack Staff
Phrack Pro-Phile on Doctor WhoDoctor Who
Conference News Part Ivarious
Conference News Part IIvarious
How To Hack Blackjack (Part I)Lex Luthor
How To Hack Blackjack (Part II)Lex Luthor
Help for Verifying Novell SecurityPhrack Staff
My Bust (Part I)Robert Clark
My Bust (Part II)Robert Clark
Playing Hide and Seek, Unix StylePhrack Accident
Physical Access and Theft of PBX SystemsCodec
Guide to the 5ESSFirm G.R.A.S.P.
Cellular InfoMadjus
LODCOM BBS Archive Informationunknown
LODCOM Sample Messagesunknown
Step By Step Guide To Stealing a CamaroSpy Ace
Acronyms Part IFirm G.R.A.S.P.
Acronyms Part IIFirm G.R.A.S.P.
Acronyms Part IIIFirm G.R.A.S.P.
Acronyms Part IVFirm G.R.A.S.P.
Acronyms Part VFirm G.R.A.S.P.
International Scenevarious
Phrack World NewsDatastream Cowboy
Title : Line Noise Part I
Author : Phrack Staff
                         ==Phrack Magazine==

              Volume Four, Issue Forty-Three, File 4 of 27

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                         ==== //  //  \\/   ====

                     /\   //  // \\    //  /===   ====
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                          PHRACK TRIVIA

This is pretty damn hard.  In fact, some of it is downright obscure.
And the bonuses?  Forget about it.  Answer the questions, expand the
acronyms, explain the numbers.

The five highest scorers by the next issue (or the first 5 to get
perfect scores) win COOL STUFF!

Send your answers to [email protected]

1)      CCIS

2)      Stimpson J. Cat's Roommate is?

3)      Name the cracker.

4)      METAL AE password.

5)      Who invented the TeleTrial?

6)      Name Bloom County's hacker.

7)      What was the Whiz Kids' computer named?

8)      Western Union owned what long distance service?

9)      What computer read both Apple ][ and IBM PC disks?

10)     Who made the "Charlie" board?

11)     How many credits for a CNE?

12)     What was in the trunk of the Chevy Malibu?

13)     Name three bands A. Jourgensen had a hand in.

14)     SYSTEST Password:

15)     What computer makes the best SimStim decks?

16)     What magazine brought the telephone underground to national
        attention in 1971?

17)     What is the significance of 1100 + 1700 hz?

18)     What magazine was raided for publishing black box plans?

19)     What BBS raid spawned the headlines "Whiz Kids Zap Satellites" ?

20)     CLASS

21)     What computer responds "OSL, Please" ?

22)     RACF secures what OS?

23)     The first person to create a glider gun got what?

24)     QRM

25)     PSS

26)     What PSN was acquired by GTE Telenet?

27)     914-725-4060

28)     April 15, 1943

29)     8LGM

30)     WOPR

31)     What happened on March 1, 1990?

32)     Port 79

33)     Who starred in the namesake of Neil Gorsuch's UNIX security
        mailing list?

34)     What Dutch scientist did research in RF monitoring?

35)     What was the author of GURPS Cyberpunk better known as?

36)     Who would "Piss on a spark plug if he thought it would do
        any good?"

37)     What thinktank did Nickie Halflinger escape from?

38)     NCSC

39)     Who is Pengo's favorite astronomer?

40)     What language was Mitnik's favorite OS written in?

41)     Abdul Alhazred wrote what?

42)     The answer to it all is?

43)     Who is the father of computer security?

44)     Who wrote VCL?

45)     What kind of computer did Cosmo have?

46)     Hetfield, Ulrich, Hammet, Newstead

47)     What company wrote the computer game "Hacker?"

48)     Who does Tim Foley work for?

49)     Who played Agent Cooper?

50)     Vines runs over what OS?

51)     Mr. Peabody built what?

52)     Who makes SecurID?

53)     What's in a Mexican Flag?

54)     Who created Interzone?

55)     JAMs (as led by John Dillinger)

56)     Abbie Hoffman helped start what phreak magazine?

57)     What was once "Reality Hackers?"

58)     Gates and Allen "wrote" BASIC for what computer?

59)     Tahoe is related to what OS?

60)     CPE 1704 TKS is what?

61)     Telemail's default was what?

62)     "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" became what?

63)     What broadcasts between roughly 40 and 50 mhz?

64)     Who created Tangram, Stratosphere, and Phaedra among others?

65)     What was Flynn's most popular video game?

66)     Who lived in Goose Island, Oregon?

67)     516-935-2481

68)     What is the security of ComSecMilNavPac?

69)     What has the "spiral death trap?"

70)     Who was the Midnight Skulker?

71)     TMRC

72)     Who wrote "Jawbreaker?"

73)     213-080-1050

74)     What is the Tetragrammaton represented as?

75)     Who is Francis J. Haynes?

76)     Who ran into one of the Akira test subjects?

77)     What had "Munchies, Fireballs and Yllabian Space Guppies?"

78)     PARC

79)     Alex and his droogs hung out where?

80)     Jane Chandler in DC's "Hacker Files" is based on who?

81)     The Artificial Kid lives on what planet?

82)     208057040540

83)     What are the two most common processors for cellular phones?

84)     Who came up with the term "ICE?"

85)     What group is hoped might help the "Angels" contact RMS?

86)     Who is Akbar's friend?

87)     What company's games was David Lightman after?


89)     Who was Mr. Slippery forced to locate?

90)     Who is "The Whistler?"

91)     What use would a 6.5536 crystal be?

92)     .--.  ....  .-.   .-  -.-.  -.-

93)     The Dark Avenger likes what group?

94)     What book spawned the term "worm?"

95)     Michael in "Prime Risk" wanted money for what?

96)     Automan's programmer worked for who?

97)     What signal filled in keystrokes on TOPS-20?

98)     ITS

99)     (a/c)+121

100)    What drug kept the scanners sane?

Bonus 1
3 pts   Name three bodies of work by Andrew Blake.

Bonus 2
3 pts   Name three currently available titles with N. L. Kuzma.

Bonus 3
4 pts   Why would I hate Angel Broadhurst?




IRC log started Fri June 18 01:14
*** Value of LOG set to ON
<Pat> bye peter
*** Signoff: hackman (slavin' to da' MAN at TRW)
<Ed> Dudez, I HATE filling out thez incident Rep0rtz
<bartman> MUAHAHA Tuff J0b edd1e!
<Ed> Funni
*** zen ([email protected]) has joined channel #CERT
<Ed> re dan, just missed yer pal peety
<Pat> Hi Dan!
<zen> pal?  right.  ask the wife...
<venom> re
<zen> d00dz, we have SO many bugz.  sux 2 be me.
*** venom has left channel #CERT
*** venom ([email protected]) has joined channel #CERT
*** venom has left channel #CERT
*** venom ([email protected]) has joined channel #CERT
*** venom has left channel #CERT
*** venom ([email protected]) has joined channel #CERT
<venom> ARG!
<bartman> WTF Weitse?
<venom> s0rri
<zen> Where is everyone?  Anyone seen spaf?
<Pat> I have.  He was going to install something.  He should be bak.
<zen> ah
*** Action: Ed throws darts at a cracker
<zen> heh
<venom> muaha
*** bartman is now known as Cracker
*** Action: Cracker hacks Cert with an axe
<venom> dats a good 1
*** Action Ed kicks cracker in the nuts
<Cracker> OUCH!
*** Signoff: donn (Bad Link?)
<Cracker> [high voice] fuk u CERT!
<Ed> heh.
*** Action: Pat is ROFL
<Cracker> wonder who's on #hack?  Mebbe i should go log em.
<Ed> Yeah.  Oh hey, I got certbot online.  Ill send it to go log.
*** certbot ([email protected]) has joined channel #CERT
*** certbot has left channel #CERT
<Ed> this will be fun.
<venom> Hey, letz deop them and take over the channel.
<zen> thats L A M E
<Cracker> Ooooh.  OPWARZ!  I'll go make their channel +i muahaha
*** Cracker has left channel #CERT
*** Casper ([email protected]) has joined channel #CERT
<Casper> re all
<Venom> hey dik-head.
<zen> re
<Pat> hahahaha  hi d00d.
<Casper> funni whitesey venombreath
<Ed> lame.
*** donn ([email protected]) has joined channel #CERT
<donn> 'sup?
<Ed> re, oh great bald one
<donn> eat me
<zen> bahhahaha
<Pat> Now now boyz.
*** spaf ([email protected]) has joined channel #CERT
<Pat> Spaffie!
<zen> 3l33t SPAF!
<Ed> re spaf
<spaf> Yo.
<venom> spaf...your book sucks.
<spaf> oh fuck off dutch boy.
<Casper> HEY!$!@%
*** spaf has been kicked off channel #CERT by Casper
<venom> thx dude
<Ed> oh gawd...feetball
*** spaf ([email protected]) has joined channel #CERT
<spaf> lame
*** Mode change "+o -o spaf Casper" on channel #CERT by Pat
<spaf> thanks sweetie.
<Casper> op!
*** Mode change "+o Casper" on channel #CERT by venom
<Casper> thx d00d
<Ed> Hey dan, you got those patches online?
<zen> maybe.  What YOU got?
<donn> WAREZZ
<Pat> heh
<Ed> I dunno.  Ill dcc you a filelist.
<zen> kool
*** zardoz ([email protected]) has joined channel #CERT
<zardoz> HEY ... anyone want to contribute to my new list?
<Ed> not me
<zen> mebbe.  Whats this one called?  Coredoz?
<donn> what list?
<spaf> BAH.  Fuck your list man.  More crackrs have them than we do!
<zardoz> who pissed in your coffee gene?
<donn> heh
*** zardoz is now known as neil
<spaf> bah... I'm sick of those dicks using my own holes against me!
<venom> Your holes?  Yer a-hole?
<Pat> What is your list about this time?
<neil> same thing.  Its called REWT!
*** neil is now known as REWT
*** Action: spaf sends REWT a 50 gig coredump
<Pat> :)
<REWT> u r lame.
*** REWT is now known as neil
<Ed> I hate these reports.  I wish I got to travel more.
<Pat> come see me!
<Casper> oooohhhh....netsex!
<spaf> tramp.  :P
*** bill ([email protected]) has joined channel #CERT
<bill> word!
<Pat> hi bill.
<donn> Bill!  D00d!  I am gonna be in Ct. next week!
<bill> RAD!  call me voice at werk.  we'll thrash!
<donn> you know it!
<zen> oh puh-lease...the geriatric partiers :)
<donn> farmboy
<Ed> *****   *****   *****  *****
<Ed> *       *       *   *    *
<Ed> *       ***     ****     *
<Ed> *       *       *   *    *
<Ed> *****   *****   *   *    *
<Ed> *****   *   *   *      *****   *****  **
<Ed> *   *   *   *   *      *       *      **
<Ed> ****    *   *   *      ***     *****  **
<Ed> *   *   *   *   *      *           *
<Ed> *   *   *****   *****  *****   *****  **
<zen> cert freshens your breath
<donn> ACK!
<venom> hee!  certs  haha
*** ray ([email protected]) has joined channel #CERT
<ray> hey guys!
<Ed> ugh.  Cracker lover alert.
<donn> commie
<bill> Hey ray, come to snoop for your little cracker friends?
<ray> come on, give it a rest guys.
<Pat> hi ray
<venom> ?
*** Action: spaf spits on ray
<spaf> heh
*** ray has been kicked off channel #CERT by spaf
*** Mode change "+b *!*@bpa.arizona.edu" on channel #CERT by spaf
<neil> hey I wanted to talk to him about my list...
<spaf> tough shit.
<donn> heh.
*** bartman ([email protected]) has joined channel #CERT
<Pat> re
<Ed> how goes the takeover?
<venom> didja kick em?
<bartman> #hack is +i!  muahahaha
<zen> how exciting.  not
<donn> they deserve it...they are all punks.
<spaf> hmm..did you get emails?  I may want to call their admins.
<bartman> nope  damn.
<Ed> certbot was there.  He got it.
<spaf> coolness
*** Signoff: bill (Bad link?)
<Casper> ne1 going to hactics thing?
<venom> me
<Casper> besides you.  duh.
<Ed> dunno.
<bartman> not me.  I have no desire to pay for anything done by hackers
<Ed> That reminds me.  Did anyone subscribe to Phrack?
<Pat> nope.
<bartman> oops.  HAHAHAHAHAHA
<Ed> heh.
<donn> Whats phrak?
<neil> nope. my list is better.  Who wants on it?
<Pat> me!
<donn> what list?
<Pat> OOH!  I have mail!  bye!
<bartman> itz an ansi bomb!
<Ed> bye Pat
<Spaf> l8r
<neil> heh.
*** Signoff: Pat (Hugs to all)
<Casper> well, i better do something productive 2. cya
<venom> slatez d00d.
*** Signoff: Casper (Hi ho hi ho its off to work I go)
<donn> man its late.  I better go.  I gotta speech in the morn
<Ed> you are getting old.
<donn> am not
<Ed> are so
<donn> am not
<Ed> are too!  infinity
<donn> hasta
*** Signoff: donn (|/dev/null)
<Ed> laterz
<Spaf> geez.  what a bunch of lamers.
<Spaf> hahaha
<Ed> never gives up does he?
<neil> seriously ed, Ive helped you guys out, send me stuff for REWT.
<Ed> ill think about it
<spaf> not
<neil> it will be most savory.  I promise.  And secure!
<spaf> pfft...and monkeys might fly out of my butt
<Ed> Ill think about it.
<zen> heh, I should do one called Supernova.  Exploding suns. hehe
<Ed> heh
<spaf> dats tha tr00f!
<bartman> i like my sun
<Ed> i know a bunch of crackerz who like bt's suns too.
<spaf> hahahahahahahahahaha
<venom> oh shit.  Im late.
*** Signoff: venom (LATE!)
<Ed> late 4 what?
<spaf> his vasectomy.  har har
<neil> heh
*** REVENGE ([email protected]) has joined channel #CERT
*** Mode change "+o REVENGE" on channel #CERT by eff.org
<Ed> whoops
*** Mode change "+i" on channel #CERT by REVENGE
<spaf> fuCK!  KICK HIM!
*** spaf has been kicked off channel #CERT by REVENGE
*** neil has been kicked off channel #CERT by REVENGE
*** bartman has been kicked off channel #CERT by REVENGE
*** Ed has been kicked off channel #CERT by REVENGE
*** zen has been kicked off channel #CERT by REVENGE
*** REVENGE is now known as ray
<ray> hehe



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                     !!!!POST EVERYWHERE!!!!

                       By Inter.Pact Press

                      "TERMINAL COMPROMISE"
                        by Winn Schwartau

     A high tech thriller that comes from today's headlines!

"The Tom Clancy of computer security."
          Assoc. Prof. Dr. Karen Forcht, James Madison University

"Terminal  Compromise" is a highly praised novel about the  inva-
sion of the United States by computer terrorists.

Since  it was first published in conventional print form,  (ISBN:
0-962-87000-5)  it has sold extremely well world-wide,  but  then
again,  it never hit the New York Times Bestseller  List  either.
But that's OK, not many do.

Recently,  someone we know very well came up with a  real  bright
idea.   They suggested  that INTER.PACT Press take  the  unprece-
dented,  and maybe slightly crazy, step to put "Terminal  Compro-
mise" on the Global Network thus creating a new category for book
publishers.   The  idea is to offer  "Terminal  Compromise,"  and
perhaps  other titles at NOVEL-ON-THE-NET SHAREWARE(tm) rates  to
millions  of people who just don't spend a lot of time  in  book-
stores.   After  discussions with dozens of people -  maybe  even
more than a hundred - we decided to do just that.   We know  that
we're  taking a chance, but we've been convinced by  hackers  and
phreakers and corporate types and government representatives that
putting "Terminal Compromise" on the net would be a fabulous step
forward  into  the Electronic Age, (Cyberspace if you  will)  and
would encourage other publishers to take advantage of  electronic
distribution.   (It's still in the bookstores, though.)

To  the  best of our  knowledge,  no  semi-sorta-kinda-legitimate
-publisher has ever put a complete pre-published 562 page book on
the  network  as a form of Shareware.  So, I guess  we're  making
news  as  well as providing a service to the  world's  electronic
community.   The recommended NOVEL-ON-THE-NET SHAREWARE fees  are
outlined later (this is how we stay in business), so please  read


"Terminal  Compromise"  is  NOT  being  entered  into  the  public
domain.   It  is  being  distributed  electronically  so  hundreds
of thousands more  people  can enjoy it and  understand just where
we are heading with  our  omnipresent  interconnectedness  and the
potential dangers we face.  INTER.PACT Press  maintains  all copy-
rights to "Terminal Compromise" and does not, either intentionally
or  otherwise,  explicitly  or implicitly,  waive  any  rights  to
this  piece  of  work or  recourses  deemed  appropriate.  (Damned

(C) 1991, 1992, 1993, Inter.Pact Press


" . . . a must read . . ."
          Digital News

"Schwartau  knows  about  networks and security  and  creates  an
interesting plot that will keep readers turning the pages."
          Computer World

"Terminal  Compromise  is  fast-paced  and  gripping.   Schwartau
explains complex technology facilely and without condescension."
          Government Computer News

"An  incredibly fascinating tale of international intrigue . .  .
action  .  . . characterization . . . deserves attention  .  .  .
difficult to imagine a more comprehensive resource."
          PC Laptop

"Schwartau   .  . . has a definite flair for  intrigue  and  plot
twists.   (He) makes it clear that the most important  assets  at
risk are America's right to privacy and our democratic ideals."
          Personal Identification News

"I  am  all  too familiar with the  appalling  realities  in  Mr.
Schwartau's book.  (A) potentially catastrophic situation."
          Chris Goggans, Ex-Legion of Doom Member.

"  . . .  chilling scenarios . . . ",  "For light summer  reading
with  weighty implications . . . ",  " . . .  thought  provoking,
sometimes chilling . . . "

Remember, it's only fiction.  Or is it?


"It's all about the information . . . the information."
                         From "Sneakers"

Taki Homosoto, silver haired Chairman of Japan's huge OSO  Indus-
tries,  survived Hiroshima; his family didn't. Homosoto  promises
revenge  against the United States before he dies.  His  passion-
ate, almost obsessive hatred of everything American finally comes
to a head when he acts upon his desires.

With  unlimited resources, he comes up with the ultimate  way  to
strike back at the enemy. Miles  Foster, a brilliant 33 year old
mathematician   apparently isn't  exactly  fond of America either.
The  National  Security  Agency wanted  his  skills, but his back-
ground and "family" connections kept him from advancing within the
intelligence  community.  His  insatiable - borderline psychotic-
sex drive  balances  the intensity  of waging war against his own
country to  the  highest bidder.

Scott  Mason,  made  his fortune selling high tech  toys  to  the
Pentagon.   Now as a New York City Times reporter,  Mason  under-
stands  both  the good and the evil of technology  and  discovers
pieces  of  the terrible plot which is designed  to  destroy  the
economy of the United States.

Tyrone  Duncan, a physically huge 50-ish black senior  FBI  agent
who suffered through the Hoover Age indignities, befriends  Scott
Mason.  Tyrone provides the inside government track and confusion
from competing agencies to deal with the threats.  His altruistic
and  somewhat pure innate view of the world finally makes him  do
the right thing.

As  Homosoto's  plan evolves, Arab zealots,  German  intelligence
agents and a host of technical mercenaries find the weaknesses in
our  techno-economic  infrastructure.   Victims  find  themselves
under  attack by unseen adversaries; Wall Street suffers  debili-
tating  blows; Ford and Chrysler endure massive shut downs.   The
U.S. economy suffers a series of crushing blows.

From  the White House to the Pentagon to the CIA to the  National
Security Agency and FBI, a complex weaving of fascinating politi-
cal characters find themselves enmeshed a battle of the New World
Order.   Sex,  drugs, rock'n'roll: Tokyo,  Vienna,  Paris,  Iraq,
Iran.  It's all here.

Enjoy reading "Terminal Compromise."

                     SHAREWARE - NOVEL FEES:

We hope that you enjoy "Terminal Compromise" as much as  everyone
else  has, and that you will send us a few shekels  according  to
the following guidelines.

The  NOVEL-ON-THE-NET SHAREWARE(tm)  fees for us as a  publishing
company  are no different than the fees for software  application
shareware publishers, and the intent is the same.  So please, let
us continue this form of publishing in the future.


The suggested donation for individuals is $7.  If you hate Termi-
nal Compromise after reading it, then only send $6.50.  If you're
really, really broke, then tell a hundred other people how  great
it was, send us a rave review and post it where you think  others
will enjoy reading it, too.  If you're only a little broke,  send
a few dollars.  After all, this is how we stay in business.  With
each  registration, we will also send a FREE! issue of  "Security
Insider Report," a monthly security newsletter also published  by
Inter.Pact Press.


We  hope  that  you put "Terminal Compromise"  on  your  internal
networks so that your employees will have the chance to enjoy  it
as well.  It's a great way to increase security awareness amongst
this  country's 50,000,000 rank and file computer  users.   Plus,
it's a hell of a good read.

One  company  plans  on  releasing  a  chapter  every  few   days
throughout its E-Mail system as a combination of security  aware-
ness  and employee 'perc'.  Try it; it works and  your  employees
will  appreciate it.  Why?  Because they'll all talk about  it  -
bringing security awareness to the forefront of discussion.


Distribution for up to 100 people on a single network:  $   500
     (Includes 1 Year subscription to "Security Insider Report.")

Distribution for up to 1000 people on a single network: $  3000
     (Includes  10  1  Year subscriptions  to  "Security  Insider

Distribution for up to 2500 people on a single network: $  6250
     (Includes  1  Year  electronic  Corporate  site  license  to
     "Security Insider Report.")

Distribution for up to 5000 people on a single network: $  10000
     (Includes  1  Year  electronic  Corporate  site  license  to
     "Security Insider Report.")

Distribution for up to 10000 people on a single network: $ 15000
     (Includes  1  Year  electronic  Corporate  site  license  to
     "Security Insider Report.")

Distribution for up to 25000 people on a single network: $ 25000
     (Includes  1  Year  electronic  Corporate  site  license  to
     "Security Insider Report.")

Distribution for more than that - Please call and we'll figure it
out.   Would  you like us to coordinate  a  special  distribution
program  for you?  Would you like in Postscript or  other  visual
formats?  Give us a call and we'll see what we can do.

                       * * * * * * * * * *
     Please  DO NOT UPLOAD AND DISTRIBUTE  "Terminal  Compromise"
     into  your networks unless you intend on paying  the  recom-
     mended fees.

                       * * * * * * * * * *

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     the same fee guidelines as those for businesses.

     Government  employees:  You are The People - same  fees  are

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     unless you plan on paying the fees.

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     Make payments in $US, please.


     You  can get your copy of Terminal Compromise from a lot  of
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archived at the following sites:




It  consists of either 2 or 5 files, depending upon how  you  re-
ceive it. (Details at end of this file.)

Feel  free to post all five files of "Terminal  Compromise"  any-
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Please forward all NOVEL-ON-THE-NET SHAREWARE fees to:

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We will accept checks, money orders, and cash if you must, and we
mean  if you must.  It's not the smartest thing in the  world  to
send  cash through the mail.  We are NOT equipped at  this  point
for credit cards.

Remember, "Terminal Compromise is copyrighted, and we will vigor-
ously pursue violations of that copyright.  (Lawyers made us  say
it again.)

If you ABSOLUTELY LOVE "Terminal Compromise," or find that  after
50 pages of On-Screen reading, you may want a hard copy for  your
bookshelf.   It  is  available  from  bookstores  nationwide  for
$19.95,  or from Inter.Pact directly for $19.95 + $3.50  shipping
and handling.  If you first paid the $ 7 NOVEL-ON-THE-NET  SHARE-
WARE  fee, send in proof and we'll deduct $ 7 from the  price  of
the hard copy edition.

ISBN: 0-962-87000-5

Enjoy "Terminal Compromise" and help us make it an easy  decision
to put more books on the Global Network.

Thank you in advance for your attention and your consideration.

The Publishers,


"Terminal Compromise" will come to you in one of two ways:

1)  Original Distribution Format From Inter.Pact  Press  contains
only two -2- files.

          TC_READ.ME     13,927 Bytes

That is this file you  are now reading and  gives an overview of
"Terminal  Compromise" and how NOVEL-ON-THE-NET Shareware works.

          TERMCOMP.ZIP   605,821 Bytes

This is the total content of "Terminal Compromise".  Run  PKUNZIP
to expand the file into four -4- readable ASCII files.

2)   Some locations may choose to post "Terminal  Compromise"  in
readable  ASCII form.  There will then be four files in  addition
to the TC_READ.ME file.

          TERMCOMP.1     250,213 Bytes

contains the Introduction and Chapters 1 through 5.

          TERMCOMP.2     337,257 Bytes

contains Chapters 6 through 14.

          TERMCOMP.3     363,615 Bytes

contains Chapters 15 through 21.

          TERMCOMP.4     388,515 Bytes

contains Chapters 22 through 30 and the Epilogue.

     Enjoy "Terminal Compromise!" and pass it on to whomever  you
     think would enjoy it, too!

     Thank You!



SRI International conducted a worldwide study in 1992 of a broad range of
security issues in "cyberspace."  In brief, cyberspace is the full set of
public and private communications networks in the United States and elsewhere,
including telephone or public switched telephone networks (PSTNs), packet data
networks (PDNs) of various kinds, pure computer networks, including the
Internet, and wireless communications systems, such as the cellular telephone
system.  We did not address security vulnerabilities associated with
classified, secure communications networks used by and for governments.

The study was conducted as part of our ongoing research into the
vulnerabilities of various software components of cyberspace.  Our approach was
to conduct research through field interviews with a broad range of experts,
including people we characterize as "good hackers," about security issues and
vulnerabilities of cyberspace and the activities of the international
"malicious hacker" community.

While the specific results of the study are proprietary to SRI, this brief
report summarizes our general conclusions for the many individuals who kindly
participated in our field interviews.  As we indicated during our field
interviews, the original research for this project was not part of any other
kind of investigation, and we have not revealed the identify of any of our

The study aimed to understand "malicious hackers," that is, people who have and
use the technical knowledge, capability, and motivation to gain unauthorized
access, for various reasons, to systems in cyberspace.  It is important to
understand that by no means all hackers are malicious nor does most hacking
involve unauthorized access to cyberspace systems; indeed, only a small
fraction of computer hacking involves such activities but gives hacking an
otherwise undeserved bad reputation.  While we attempted to focus on technical
(software) vulnerabilities, our interviews led us to look more at the broader
motivations and different approaches to cracking into various networks and
networked systems.


Our main conclusion is that social, organizational, and technological factors
still combine in ways that make much of cyberspace relatively vulnerable to
unauthorized access.  The degree of vulnerability varies from one type of
communications system to another.  In general, the PSTN is the least vulnerable
system, the PDNs are somewhat more vulnerable than the PSTN, the Internet is
relatively insecure, and as is widely known, the cellular phone system is the
most vulnerable of the four major areas we addressed.

The main vulnerabilities in most communications networks involves procedural,
administrative, and human weaknesses, rather than purely technical
vulnerabilities of network management, control systems, and hardware, and
software.  There are technical vulnerabilities--poor system design and specific
security flaws in software--but they are mainly exploitable because of the
above problems.

Highlights of the study's conclusions include:

o Malicious attacks on most networks and networked systems cannot be completely
prevented, now or in the future.  More than enough information is publicly
available to hackers and other technically-literate people to preclude attempts
at prevention of intrusions.

o It is possible individuals or groups could bring down individual systems or
related groups of systems, on purpose or by accident.  However, security is
generally improving as a result of dealing with past threats and challenges to
system security.  For instance, responses to the most recent serious threat to
the Internet, the so-called Internet Worm in 1989, included improved security
at sites vulnerable to this sort of worm.

o We found no evidence that the current generation of U.S. hackers is
attempting to sabotage entire networks.  On the contrary, doing so is
inconsistent with the stated ethics and values of the hacker community, which
are to explore cyberspace as a purely intellectual exercise without malicious
intent or behavior.  Some individuals who operate outside this informal ethical
framework, however, can and do damage specific systems and occasionally use
systems for personal gain or vindictive activities.

o There is some evidence that the newest generations of hackers, may be more
motivated by personal gain than the traditional ethic of sheer curiosity.  This
development could mean that networks and networked systems could become more
likely targets for attacks by hardened criminals  or governments' intelligence
services or their contractors (i.e., employing malicious hackers).  This threat
does not appear to be significant today but is a possible future scenario.

o The four major areas of vulnerability uncovered in our research have little
or nothing to do with specific software vulnerabilities per se.  They relate
more to the ways in which hackers can gain critical information they need in
order to exploit vulnerabilities that exist because of poor systems
administration and maintenance, unpatched "holes" in networks and systems, and
so on.
- The susceptibility of employees of businesses, public organizations, schools,
and other institutions to "social engineering" techniques
- Lax physical and procedural controls
- The widespread availability of non-proprietary and of sensitive and
proprietary information on paper about networks and computer systems
- The existence of "moles," employees of communications and computer firms and
their suppliers who knowingly provide proprietary information to hackers.

o The vulnerabilities caused by shortcomings in software-based access controls
and in hardware-related issues constitute significantly lower levels of risk
than do the four areas discussed above on more secure networks such as the PSTN
and PDNs.  However, on the Internet and similar systems, software-based access
controls (for instance, password systems) constitute significant problems
because of often poor system maintenance and other procedural flaws.


Based on our research, we recommend the following:

1. Protection of organizational information and communications assets should be
improved.  Issues here range from those involving overall security systems to
training employees and customers about maintenance of security on individual
systems, handling and disposition of sensitive printed information, and dealing
with "social engineering."

2. Techniques used to protect physical assets should be improved.  For example,
doors and gates should be locked properly and sensitive documents and equipment
guarded appropriately.

3. Organizations and their employees should be made aware of the existence and
role of moles in facilitating and enabling hacker intrusions, and care taken in
hiring and motivating employees with the mole problem in mind.

4. Software- and hardware-based vulnerabilities should also be addressed as a
matter of course in systems design, installation and maintenance.

5. Organizations concerned with information and communications security should
proactively promote educational programs for students and parents about
appropriate computer and communications use, personal integrity and ethics, and
legitimate career opportunities in the  information  industry, and reward
exemplary skills, proficiency and achievements in programming and ethical

6. Laws against malicious hacking should be fairly and justly enforced.

SRI's believes that the results of this study will provide useful information
to both the operators and users of cyberspace, including the hacker community.
We are planning to continue our research in this area during 1993 within the
same framework and conditions (i.e., anonymity of all parties and
organizations) as we conducted the 1992 research.  We invite hackers and others
who are interested in participating in this work through face-to-face,
telephone or email interviews should contact one of the following members of
the SRI project team:

A. J. Bate
SRI International
Phone:  415 859 2206
Fax:  415 859 3154
Email:  [email protected],
             [email protected]

Stuart Hauser
SRI International
Phone:  415 859 5755
Fax:      415 859 3154
Email:   [email protected]

Tom Mandel
SRI International
Phone:  415 859 2365
FAX:  415 859 7544
Email:   [email protected]

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