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.:: Gelled Flame Fuels ::.

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Current issue : #15 | Release date : 1987-08-07 | Editor : Taran King
Phrack XV IntroShooting Shark
More Stupid Unix TricksShooting Shark
Making Free Local Payfone CallsKiller Smurf
Advanced Carding XIVThe Disk Jockey
Gelled Flame FuelsElric of Imrryr
PWN I: The Scoop on Dan The OperatorKnight Lightning
PWN II: The July BustsKnight Lightning
PWN III: The Affidavitunknown
Title : Gelled Flame Fuels
Author : Elric of Imrryr
                ===== Phrack Magazine presents Phrack 15 =====

                         ===== File 5 of 8 =====

                        GELLED FLAME FUELS

        A text phile typed by Elric of Imrryr from the book:
        Improvised Munitions Handbook (TM 31-210), published
        by the Dept of the Army, 1969.
        All information is provided only for information purposes
        only. Construction and/or use may violate local, state, and/or
        federal laws. (Unless your name is Ollie North)

        Gelled or paste type fuels are often preferable to raw gasoline for
use in incendiary devices such as fire bottles.  This type fuel adheres more
readily to the target and produces greater heat concentration.

        Several methods are shown for gelling gasoline using commonly
available materials.  The methods are divided into the following categories
based on the major ingredient:

                1. Lye Systems

                2. Lye-Alcohol Systems

                3. Soap-Alcohol Systems

                4. Egg White Systems

                6. Wax Systems

                                   Lye Systems

    Lye (also know as caustic soda or Sodium Hydroxide) can be used in
combination with powdered rosin or castor oil to gel gasoline for use as a
flame fuel which will adhere to target surfaces.


Parts by Volume   Ingredient    How Used         Common Source
---------------   ----------    --------         -------------

60                Gasoline      Motor Fuel       Gas station or motor vehicle

2 (flake) or      Lye           Drain cleaner,   Food store or Drug store
1 (powder)                      making of soap

15                Rosin         Manufacturing    Paint store, chemical supply
                                Paint & Varnish  house


                  Castor Oil    Medicine         Food and Drug stores


|CAUTION:  Make sure that there are no open flames in the area when mixing   |
|the flame fuel.  NO SMOKING!                                                |

1. Pour gasoline into jar, bottle or other container. (DO NOT USE AN ALUMINUM

2. IF rosin is in cake form, crush into small pieces.

3. Add rosin or castor oil to the gasoline and stir for about five minutes to
   mix thoroughly.

4. In a second container (NOT ALUMINUM) add lye to an equal volume of water
   slowly with stirring.

|CAUTION:  Lye solution can burn skin and destroy clothing.  If any is       |
|spilled, wash away immediately with large quantities of water.              |

5. Add lye solution to the gasoline mix and stir until mixture thickens (about
   one minute).

NOTE:  The sample will eventually thicken to a very firm paste.  This can be
       thinned, if desired, by stirring in additional gasoline.

                                   Lye-Alcohol Systems

    Lye (also know as caustic soda or Sodium Hydroxide) can be used in
combination with alcohol and any of several fats to gel gasoline for use as a
flame fuel.


Parts by Volume   Ingredient    How Used         Common Source
---------------   ----------    --------         -------------

60                Gasoline      Motor Fuel       Gas station or motor vehicle

2 (flake) or      Lye           Drain cleaner,   Food store or Drug store
1 (powder)                      making of soap

3                 Ethyl Alcohol Whiskey          Liquor store
                                Medicine         Drug store

NOTE:  Methyl (wood) alcohol or isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol can be substituted
       for ethyl alcohol, but their use produces softer gels.

14                Tallow        Food             Fats rendered by cooking the
                                Making of soap   meat or suet of animals.

NOTE: The following can be substituted for the tallow:

        (a) Wool grease (Lanolin) (very good) -- Fat extracted from sheep wool
        (b) Castor Oil (good)
        (c) Any vegetable oil (corn, cottonseed, peanut, linseed, etc.)
        (d) Any fish oil
        (e) Butter or oleo margarine

It is necessary when using substitutes (c) to (e) to double the given amount
of fat and of lye for satisfactory body.


|CAUTION:  Make sure that there are no open flames in the area when mixing   |
|the flame fuel.  NO SMOKING!                                                |

1. Pour gasoline into jar, bottle or other container. (DO NOT USE AN ALUMINUM

2. Add tallow (or substitute) to the gasoline and stir for about 1/2 minute to
   dissolve fat.

3. Add alcohol to the gasoline mixture.  Mix thoroughly.

4. In a separate container (NOT ALUMINUM) slowly add lye to an equal volume of
   water.  Mixture should be stirred constantly while adding lye.

|CAUTION:  Lye solution can burn skin and destroy clothing.  If any is       |
|spilled, wash away immediately with large quantities of water.              |

5. Add lye solution to the gasoline mixture and stir occasionally until
thickened (about 1/2 hour)

NOTE:  The sample will eventually (1 to 2 days) thicken to a very firm paste.
       This can be thinned, if desired, by stirring in additional gasoline.

                                   Soap-Alcohol System

        Common household soap can be used in combination with alcohol to gel
gasoline for use as a flame fuel which will adhere to target surfaces.


Parts by Volume   Ingredient    How Used         Common Source
---------------   ----------    --------         -------------

36                Gasoline      Motor Fuel       Gas station or motor vehicle

1                 Ethyl Alcohol Whiskey          Liquor store
                                Medicine         Drug store

NOTE:  Methyl (wood) alcohol or isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol can be substituted
       for ethyl alcohol.

20 (powdered) or  Laundry soap  Washing clothes  Stores
28 (flake)

NOTE:  Unless the word "soap" actually appears somewhere on the container or
wrapper, a washing compound is probably a detergent. THESE CAN NOT BE USED.


|CAUTION:  Make sure that there are no open flames in the area when mixing   |
|the flame fuel.  NO SMOKING!                                                |

1. If bar soap is used, carve into thin flakes using a knife.

2. Pour Alcohol and gasoline into a jar, bottle or other container and mix

3. Add soap powder or flakes to gasoline-alcohol mix and stir occasionally
   until thickened (about 15 minutes).

                                   Egg System

The white of any bird egg can be used to gel gasoline for use as a flame fuel.


Parts by Volume   Ingredient    How Used         Common Source
---------------   ----------    --------         -------------

85                Gasoline      Motor Fuel       Gas station or motor vehicle

14                Egg Whites    Food             Food store, farms

Any one of the following

1                 Table Salt    Food, industrial Sea Water, Natural brine,
                                processes        Food stores

3                 Ground Coffee Food             Food store

3                 Dried Tea     Food             Food store

3                 Cocoa         Food             Food store

2                 Sugar         Food             Food store

1                 Saltpeter     Pyrotechnics     Drug store
                  (Niter)       Explosives       chemical supply store
                  (Potassium    Matches
                  Nitrate)      Medicine

1                 Epsom salts   Medicine         Drug store, food store

2                 Washing soda  Washing cleaner  Food store
                  (Sal soda)    Medicine         Drug store
                                Photography      Photo supply store

1 1/2             Baking soda   Baking           Food store
                                Manufacturing:   Drug store
                                Mineral waters,
                                and Medicine

1 1/2             Aspirin       Medicine         Drug store
                                                 Food store


|CAUTION:  Make sure that there are no open flames in the area when mixing   |
|the flame fuel.  NO SMOKING!                                                |

1. Separate egg white from yolk.  This can be done by breaking the egg into a
   dish and carefully removing the yolk with a spoon.

|gets into the egg white, discard the egg.                                   |

2. Pour egg white into a jar, bottle, or other container and add gasoline.

3. Add the salt (or other additive) to the mixture and stir occasionally until
   gel forms (about 5 to 10 minutes).

NOTE:  A thicker flame fuel can be obtained by putting the capped jar in hot
       (65 C) water for about 1/2 hour and then letting them cool to room

                                   Wax System

        Any of several common waxes can be used to gel gasoline for use as a
flame fuel.


Parts by Volume   Ingredient    How Used         Common Source
---------------   ----------    --------         -------------

80                Gasoline      Motor Fuel       Gas station or motor vehicle

20                Wax           Leather polish,  Food store, drug store,
                  (Ozocerite,   sealing wax,     department store
                  Mineral wax,  candles,
                  fossil wax,   waxed paper,
                  ceresin wax   furniture &
                  beeswax)      floor waxes,


1. Melt the wax and pour into jar or bottle which has been placed in a hot
   water bath.

2. Add gasoline to the bottle.

3. When wax has completely dissolved in the gasoline, allow the water bath to
   cool slowly to room temperature.

NOTE:  If a gel does not form, add additional wax (up to 40% by volume) and
repeat the above steps.  If no gel forms with 40% wax, make a Lye solution by
dissolving a small amount of Lye (Sodium Hydroxide) in an equal amount of
water.  Add this solution (1/2% by volume) to the gasoline wax mix and shake
bottle until a gel forms.

Well, that's it, I omitted a few things because they where either redundant,
or more aimed toward battle field conditions. Be careful, don't get caught,
and have fun...

        Elric of Imrryr
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