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.:: The Reality of The Myth [REMOBS] ::.

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Current issue : #14 | Release date : 1987-07-28 | Editor : Knight Lightning
IntroductionKnight Lightning
Phrack Pro-Phile X Featuring TerminusTaran King
The Conscience of a Hacker {Reprint}The Mentor
The Reality of The Myth [REMOBS]Taran King
Understanding DMS Part IIControl C
TRW Business TerminologyControl C
Phrack World News Special Edition #1Knight Lightning
Phrack World News Issue XIV/1Knight Lightning
Phrack World News Issue XIV/2Knight Lightning
Title : The Reality of The Myth [REMOBS]
Author : Taran King
                               ==Phrack Inc.==

                            Issue XIV, File 4 of 9

                           The Reality of the Myth


                                by Taran King

         In the  past, many  misconceptions  have  been  made of the legendary
REMOBS system.  The term has  been used and abused.  It  used to  be known  as
REMOB, rather than the proper REMOBS, which stood for Remote Observation.  The
REMOBS is a  REMote service  OBservation  System  manufactured  by  Teltone, a
company which makes various telephone equipment peripherals.

         REMOBS has a  number of  features.  The REMOBS  permits evaluation of
equipment or employee performance.  It allows observation of subscriber lines,
CO, toll, and E&M  trunks, repair  bureaus, and operator positions.  It can be
portable or set up  as dedicated  remote terminals.  The  observer console can
sample  entire networks.  REMOBS is compatible with all types of switching and
transmission media.

         The  purpose  of  the  REMOBS  system  is to measure  performance and
service  provided to  customers  in  an  impartial  and  unbiased  manner.  By
monitoring the subscriber connections  throughout the network switch, this can
be achieved.  The customer experiences are recorded and statistics are derived
to provide service level indices.

         REMOBS is  compatible with  all switching  systems including  Step by
Step, Crossbar, and electronic  equipment.  In each  situation, it can observe
almost   any   transmission   point  such  as  subscriber   lines, inter-  and
intra-office  trunks, toll  trunks, E&M  trunks,  repair  bureaus,  commercial
offices, and  operator positions.  The  console operators can observe by phone
line,  from  one  location,  any  switch  location/CO  with  the  remote  unit

         The  M-241 system  (which includes  the console and  remote terminal)
observes up  to 40  circuits, but  can scan  up to  100 lines  with  a  remote
terminal.  The terminal may observe up to  5  locations simultaneously, with a
capacity to observe 500 circuits at any one time.

         The REMOBS system  can observe all  remote terminals at any switching
system location through the console controls, making it feasible to observe an
entire network.  Remote terminals are equipped with plug-in connectors so they
can be moved routinely to observe desired locations.

The M-241 Remote Terminal:  The  remote terminal  is located  at the  point of
==========================  observation.  It  may  be  ordered in  portable or
dedicated configuration.  The remote terminal  remains inactive until accessed
by the  controlling  console.  The remote unit is  6.5" high, 22.88" wide, and
11.7" deep, arranged for relay rack mounting.

The M-242 Observer's Console:  Console  operators access  the remote terminals
=============================  through telephone lines.  Access to the remotes
is limited to  console operators who know the  access number, timing, and four
digit security code.  Additional  security  is  available  with  the  optional
security dialback feature.  The  System automatically scans observed circuits.
The first circuit to become busy is  selected and held by the system until the
necessary  information is  secured, the  operator presses the reset button, or
the calling  party goes on-hook.  Timing  circuits automatically drop the call
100 seconds after the calling party goes off-hook or, if answer supervision is
present, 15  seconds after the called party answers.  The console itself looks
very  much like  a  cash register.  Where  the digits  are normally, there are
places for  the trunk identity,  called  number,  stop clock, and memory.  The
pushbutton  controls  consist  of  the  following:  power  (key switch),  hold
buttons,  select buttons,  calling party,  called party,  display hold, clear,
O.G. line, auto  reset, reset (manual), read (stop clock operate), talk, voice
exclusion, memory,  plus a standard  touch-tone keypad with the A, B, C, and D
keys.  There  are  2  monitor  jacks, a  volume control and, for the primitive
lines  and  switches, a  rotary  dial  next  to  the  touch-tone  keypad.  The
operator's  console  stands  2.25"  in the front and  8.25"  in the back; it's
17,25" wide and 16.5" deep.

         The  observation  system  network is set up in the  following manner.
The operator observer is in an  observing center at the local  Central  Office
with the  M-242  REMOBS  Central  Console (which looks like a telephone to the
Central  Office).  Through  the  standard  telephone  network,  communications
occurs  between the console and the remote.  From the CO, through the incoming
circuitry, it goes  through the  connector to the M-241 REMOBS Remote Terminal
(which looks like a telephone to the  access line).  From there the connection
is  made to  the circuits  to be  observed including  the  subscribers  lines,
line-finders, toll trunks, repair lines, etc.

         The  information provided  is both  visual and  audible.  The  visual
display, showed on the  panel, includes the identity of  the remote  terminal,
the identity of the  observed  circuit, the  signalled  digits (up to 52), the
status of the calling and called  parties (on/off-hook), and the timing of the
call.  The audible  information (which is provided through headset or handset)
includes  the  call  progress  tones  for  disposition  (dial  tone,  type  of
signalling,  60 IPM,  120 IPM,  ringing,  answer, etc.) and voice transmission
(calling and called parties).

         The  REMOBS  system is  very much  different from  often-misconceived
system known as 4Tel made by Teredyne.  REMOBS is very much different from the
dial-up - enter 1 code - be given instructions simplicity of the  4Tel  but it
still has the legendary capabilities of listening in remotely.

         If you wish to gain more information about the REMOBS system, Teltone
Corporation can be written to at 10801 - 120th Avenue N.E., Kirkland, WA 98033
or phoned at (206) 827-9626.
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