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.:: Phrack World News 9 Part II ::.

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Current issue : #10 | Release date : 1987-01-01 | Editor : Taran King
Introduction to Phrack 10Taran King
Pro-Phile on Dave StarrTaran King
The TMC Primer by Cap'n CraxCap'n Crax
A Beginner's Guide to the IBM VM/370Elric of Imrryr
Circuit Switched Digital CapabilityThe Executioner
Hacking Primos Part IEvil Jay
Automatic Number IdentificationDoom Prophet & Phantom Phreaker
Phrack World News 9 Part IKnight Lightning
Phrack World News 9 Part IIKnight Lightning
Title : Phrack World News 9 Part II
Author : Knight Lightning
                               ==Phrack Inc.==

                     Volume Two, Issue Ten, Phile #9 of 9

PWN                                                                         PWN
PWN                      <-=*} Phrack World News {*=->                      PWN
PWN                                                                         PWN
PWN                            Issue IX/Part Two                            PWN
PWN                                                                         PWN
PWN                    Compiled, Written, and Edited by                     PWN
PWN                                                                         PWN
PWN                            Knight Lightning                             PWN
PWN                                                                         PWN

On The Home Front                                             December 25, 1986
  Happy Holidays to all from everyone at Phrack Inc. and Metal Shop Private!

Well, here we are at that time of year again and before too long we will have a
new wave of self appointed hackers who got their modems for Christmas.

Some important dates to point out:

November 17, 1986............1st Anniversary of Phrack Inc.
January 2, 1987..............1st Anniversary of Metal Shop being a PRIVATE BBS.
January 10, 1987.............1st Anniversary of Metal Shop AE, now Quick Shop
January 25, 1987.............1st Anniversary of Phrack World News

The Phrack Inc./Metal Shop Private Voice Mailbox is now back in operation.  If
you have a question for Taran King, Cheap Shades, or myself and cannot reach us
through regular means, please leave us a message on our VMS.

Thanks to the efforts of Oryan Quest, an upcoming Phrack Pro-Phile will focus
on Steve Wozniak.

Plans are already underway for Summer Con '87.  It is to be held in St. Louis,
Missouri during the last week of June.  It is being sponsored by TeleComputist
Newsletter, Phrack Inc., and Metal Shop Private.  Forest Ranger is in charge of
planning and is putting out a lot of front money for the necessary conference
rooms and such.  There will be a mandatory $10 admittance at the door to Summer
Con '87.  If you will be attending this conference, please as an act of
good faith and to save 50% send $5 in early to:

                                   J. Thomas
                           TeleComputist Newsletter
                                 P.O. Box 2003
                        Florissant, Missouri 63032-2003

Also, Letters to the Editor and anything else dealing with TeleComputist can be
sent to the same address.  TeleComputist can also be reached through Easylink
at 62195770, MCI Telex at 650-240-6356, CIS at 72767,3207 and PLINK at OLS 631.
Try MCI and Easylink first.

 Not much else to say... so keep learning and try not to get into any trouble.

:Knight Lightning

Computer Hackers Beware! - Senate Passes Computer Fraud And Abuse Act
------------------------   ------------------------------------------
On October 2, 1986, the US Senate unanimously passed the Computer Fraud and
Abuse Act of 1986.  The bill, S. 2281, imposes fines of up to $500,000 and/or
prison terms of up to 20 years for breaking into government or financial
institutions' computers.

The Federal Government alone operates more than 18,000 medium-scale and
large-scale computers at some 4,500 different sites.  The Office of Technology
Assessment estimates the government's investment in computers over the past
four years at roughly $60 million.  The General Services Administration
estimates that there will be 250,000 to 500,000 computers in use by the Federal
Government by 1990.

In 1984, legislators' attention to and concern about computer fraud was
heightened by a report by the American Bar Association task force on computer
crime.  According to the report, based on a survey of 1,000 private
organizations and public agencies, forty-five percent of the 283 respondents
had been victimized by some form of computer crime, and more than 25 percent
had sustained financial losses totaling between an estimated $145 million and
$730 million during one twelve month period.

To address this problem, the Senate and House enacted, in 1984, the first
computer statute (18 U.S.C. 1030).  Early this year both the House and Senate
introduced legislation to expand and amend this statute.

In the current bill, which is expected to be signed by President Reagan next
week, penalties will be imposed on anyone who knowingly or intentionally
accesses a computer without authorization, or exceeds authorized access and:

(1) Obtains from government computers information relating to national defense
    and foreign relations.

(2) Obtains information contained in financial records of financial

(3) Affects the use of the government's operation of a computer in any
    department or agency of the government that is exclusively for the use of
    the U.S. Government.

(4) Obtains anything of value, unless the object of the fraud and the thing
    obtained consists only of the use of the computer.

(5) Alters, damages, or destroys information in any federal interest computer,
    or prevents authorized use of any such computer or information.

Under the bill, a person would be guilty of computer fraud if he or she causes
a loss of $1,000 or more during any one year period.

Depending on the offense, penalties include fines up to $100,000 for a
misdemeanor, $250,000 for a felony, $500,000 if the crime is committed by an
organization, and prison terms of up to 20 years.

The bill also prohibits traffic in passwords and other information from
computers used for interstate or foreign commerce.  This part of the bill makes
it possible for Federal Prosecutors to crack down on pirate bulletin boards and
similar operations because the bill covers business computers, online networks,
and online news and information services, all of which are considered
interstate commerce.

                            Information provided by

                            P - 8 0   S y s t e m s

GTE News                                                      December 20, 1986
    "GTE Develops High-Speed GaAs Multiplexer Combining Four Data Channels"

In an effort to achieve data communication rates of several gigabits per
second, GTE Labs (Waltham, MA) is combining the high-capacity of fiber optics
with the high speed of gallium arsenide circuits.  The research arm of GTE has
designed a GaAs multiplexer that can combine four data channels, each with a
communication rate of 1 gigabit per second, into one channel.  GTE has also
recently developed a technique called MOVPE (metal-organic vapor-phase
epitaxy) for efficiently growing thin-film GaAs crystals.

The new devices should play an important role in future communication systems,
which will involve high-capacity fiber-optic cables connecting houses and
offices through telephone switching centres.  Data rates on these cables could
be as high as 20 gigabits per second.  In addition to standard computer data,
numerous video channels could be supported, each with a data rate of almost
100 megabits per second.  The GaAs multiplexers will probably be the only
devices fast enough to interface houses and offices through this fiber-optic
grid.  In future supercomputers [misuse of the word -eds.] these multiplexers
will also be used for high-speed fiber-optic transmissions between various
boards in the computer, replacing copper wires.  Because of the high-speed
nature of the fiber-optic link, such techniques may even be used for chip-to-
chip communication.

GTE said it has completed a prototype of the GaAs multiplexer and a final
version should be ready in less than a year.

Comments:  And meanwhile, while GTE's been building gigabit/second
           multiplexers, AT&T Bell Labs is still experimenting with the neuron
           webs from slug brains...

             Information from Byte Magazine, December 1986, Page 9

                      Typed & Commented on by Mark Tabas

The LOD/H Technical Journal
The Legion Of Doom/Hackers Technical Journal is a soft-copy free newsletter
whose primary purpose is to further the knowledge of those who are interested
in topics such as:  Telecommunications, Datacommunications, Computer & Physical
Security/Insecurity and the various technical aspects of the phone system.

The articles are totally original unless otherwise stated.  All sources of
information for a specific article are listed in the introduction or conclusion
of the article. They will not accept any articles that are unoriginal,
plagiarized, or contain invalid or false information.  Articles will be
accepted from anyone who meets those criteria.  They are not dependant upon
readers for articles, since members of LOD/H and a select group of others will
be the primary contributors, but anyone can submit articles.

There is no set date for releasing issues, as they have no monetary or legal
obligation to the readers, but they predict that issues will be released
every 2 or 3 months.  Thus, expect 4 to 6 issues a year assuming that they
continue to produce them, which they intend to do.

The bulletin boards sponsoring the LOD/H TJs include:

                          Digital Logic Data Service
                            Hell Phrozen Over (HPO)
                              Metal Shop Private
                                Private Sector
                                 The Shack //
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The first issue will include these articles;

-  Introduction to the LOD/H Technical Journal and Table Of Contents

-  Editorial:  "Is the law a deterrent to computer crime?" by Lex Luthor

-  Local Area Signalling Services (LASS) by The Videosmith

-  Identifying and Defeating Physical Security and Intrusion Detection Systems
   Part I: The Perimeter by Lex Luthor

-  Traffic Service Position System (TSPS) by The Marauder

-  Hacking DEC's TOPS-20:  Intro by Blue Archer

-  Building your own Blue Box (Includes Schematic) by Jester Sluggo

-  Intelligence and Interrogation Processes by Master Of Impact

-  The Outside Loop Distribution Plant:  Part I by Phucked Agent 04

-  The Outside Loop Distribution Plant:  Part II by Phucked Agent 04

-  LOH Telenet Directory: Update #4 (12-9-86) Part I by LOH

-  LOH Telenet Directory: Update #4 (12-9-86) Part II by LOH

-  Network News & Notes by "Staff"

That's a total of 13 files...

That ends the preview, the newsletter is due to be released by January 1, 1987
so watch for it!
                            Information Provided by

        Lex Luthor & The Legion Of Doom/Hackers Technical Journal Staff

Texas Rumors Run Rampant                                      December 24, 1986
Remember all that controversy about Sir Gamelord being Videosmith?

Well here's the story...

It all started on a conference bridge, where a number of people including Evil
Jay, Line Breaker [who, indirectly started all of this], and Blade Runner among
others were having a discussion.

Line Breaker was telling a story of how Videosmith was a fed, how Videosmith
had busted everyone at a phreak con (or something like that), and how he [Line
Breaker] and some other people called Videosmith up, pretending to be feds, and
got him to admit that he did these things.

Blade Runner was terribly pissed at Sir Gamelord (who had recently attempted to
take over P.H.I.R.M., which is Blade Runner's group).  As a retaliatory strike
and after hearing this slander upon Videosmith's name, Blade Runner started
telling people that Sir Gamelord was Videosmith.  The stories have been getting
more and more exaggerated since then but that is all that really happened.

[They say everything is bigger in Texas...I guess that includes bullshit too!]

                       Information Provided by Evil Jay

The Cracker Disappears                                        December 27, 1986
The rumors and stories are flying around about the disappearance of one
Bill Landreth aka The Cracker.

Bill Landreth is the author of "Out Of The Inner Circle," a book on hackers
that was published a few years back.

According to newspaper articles in the San Francisco area, Bill was at a
friend's home working on some computer program.  His friend stepped out for a
while and when he returned, there was a lot of garbage on screen and a suicide

On Ripco BBS, message was posted about Bill Landreth, stating that he had
disappeared, and was once again wanted by the FBI.  The message asked that
anyone in contact with Bill would tell him to contact his "friends."

Most of what is going on right now is bogus rumors.  There may be a follow up
story in the next PWN.

                            Information Provided By

                  The Prophet/Sir Frances Drake/Elric Of Imrryr

U.S. Sprint Screws Up                                         December 24, 1986
Taken From the Fort Lauderdale Sun Sentinal

                          "He got a 1,400 page bill!"

In Montrose, Colorado, Brad Switzer said he thought the box from the U.S.
Sprint  Long Distance Company was an early Christmas present until he opened it
and found that it contained a 1,400 page phone bill.

The $34,000 bill was delivered to Switzer's doorstep Monday.  He called U.S.
Sprint's Denver office, where company officials assured him he was "Off the
Hook."  A spokesman for U.S. Sprint said that Switzer had mistakenly received
U.S. Sprint's own phone bill for long distance calls.

                         Typed For PWN by The Leftist

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