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MPEG-CENC: Defective by SpecificationDavid "retr0id" Buchanan
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Title : MPEG-CENC: Defective by Specification
Author : David "retr0id" Buchanan
                             ==Phrack Inc.==

                Volume 0x10, Issue 0x47, Phile #0x06 of 0x11

|=--------------=[ MPEG-CENC: Defective by Specification ]=--------------=|
|=---------------------=[ David "retr0id" Buchanan ]=--------------------=|

--[ Table of Contents

0 - Introduction

1 - The Video Streaming DRM Landscape
    1.0 - Pointing a Camera at the Screen (Aka “The Analog Hole”)
    1.1 - Digitally Recording the HDMI Port
    1.2 - Exfiltrating the Decrypted but Not-Yet-Decompressed Data
    1.3 - Exfiltrating Content Keys
    1.4 - Exfiltrating CDM Secrets
    1.5 - EME, MSE, WTF?

2 - The DeCENC Exploit
    2.0 - How to Bypass a Video Decoder
    2.1 - Leveraging I_PCM
    2.2 - The Devilish Details
    2.2.0 - Background: AES-CTR
    2.2.1 - NAL Unit Emulation Prevention Bytes
    2.2.2 - Chroma Subsampling
    2.2.3 - Limited Range Color
    2.2.4 - Crafting I_PCM Bitstreams
    2.2.5 - Metadata Preparation
    2.2.6 - Video Stream Substitution
    2.2.7 - Putting It All Together

3 - Capabilities

4 - Mitigations

5 - Aside: Learning about h264, MP4, and ISO-BMFF

6 - Reflections

7 - References

[ 0. Introduction

You've probably heard the saying "DRM is defective by design". It's true, and 
I can prove it.

In this paper I present DeCENC, a generic attack on the MPEG-CENC file format.
DeCENC enables decryption of video files without direct knowledge of the key.
The fundamental flaw involves the use of encryption without authentication - a 
rookie error[0], although exploiting it in this context is fiddly, to say the 

MPEG-CENC is not DRM[1], but it is an encrypted media container format 
commonly used as part of DRM systems. Any DRM'd playback system that correctly 
implements the MPEG-CENC specification is conceptually vulnerable to DeCENC. 
The attack relies on interactions with video codec features present in either 
h264 (AVC) or h265 (HEVC), which are both widely supported. Applicability to 
other codecs is plausible but has not yet been investigated.

DeCENC is a security research tool that may be used to assess the robustness 
of CENC-compatible video DRM systems. Although the exploit aims to be generic,
I make no specific claims of compatibility with any particular DRM system or 
configurations thereof. However, the PoC source release includes documentation 
for testing against "ClearKey", a pseudo-DRM scheme defined as part of the 
W3C's EME specification[2].

The source is available here[3]: https://github.com/DavidBuchanan314/DeCENC

By the way, all the relevant MPEG specs are paywalled (thanks ISO,) so I'll 
try to keep my explanations here self-contained.

[ 1. The Video Streaming DRM Landscape

Before I get into the attack itself, I'd like to give some background. I'm 
trying to steer clear of vendor-specific implementation details, lest I lose 
the Do Not Violate The DMCA Challenge (2024 edition,) so here's an overview of 
how a generic video streaming DRM system might work:

               +----- The Big Scary DRM Black-Box -----+
               |                                       |
+----------+   |  +-------------+                      |
|          |   |  |   License   |                      |
|  Movies  |<---->| Acquisition |                      |
|   R Us   |   |  +-------------+                      |
|  dot com |   |        | Keyz                         |
| (content |   |        v                              |
| provider)|   |  +-------------+   +---------------+  |  +---------+
|          |----->| Decryption  |-->| Video Decoder |---->| Monitor |-> eyes
+----------+   |  +-------------+   +---------------+  |  +---------+

Like most video on the internet, it's compressed, with a codec like h264. But 
now it's encrypted, too. Your computer needs to decrypt it before it can 
render it to your screen, and that's where a CDM (Content Decryption Module) 
comes in. The CDM runs on "your" device, and is either implemented using 
software, secure hardware (e.g. inside a secure enclave,) or some combination 
of the two. My diagram represents it as "The Big Scary DRM Black-Box" - you're
not supposed to be able to tamper with it, or meaningfully inspect its 
operation. In theory.

Before the CDM can decrypt the video, it needs the decryption key. How does 
the key get inside the CDM? It depends, but normally there's a protocol 
between the CDM and the content provider. During "license acquisition", the 
content provider decides whether it trusts the CDM, whether the user has 
permission to access the content, etc. If the licensing authority is happy 
with all the details, then it'll issue a "license" (containing relevant key 
material) to the CDM. This protocol is secured so that an eavesdropper can't 
just sniff keys as they travel over the network.

MPEG-CENC is a container file format that stores the metadata a CDM needs in 
order to do its job, telling it which parts of the file are encrypted, how, 
and with which keys. It doesn't store keys directly (that would be too easy to
break!) but instead references keys by an ID. The CDM is responsible for 
figuring out how to map a key ID to an actual decryption key. CENC stands for 
"Common ENCryption", the idea is that it's a common standard that many DRM 
systems can share. This is convenient for streaming platforms, because they 
can (in theory) serve the same file to all their users, regardless of which 
DRM system they're using (because not all platforms support all DRM systems.)

It's important to note that CENC is just a file format. The CENC specification 
doesn't say anything about how DRM should work, it is only concerned with 
encryption metadata. You could in theory use CENC for some non-DRM purpose, or 
architect the DRM differently to what I just described above.

So that's how it's all *supposed* to work. Now let's go through some common 
ways that systems like this are broken, ordered roughly from easiest to 

--[ Method 0: Pointing a Camera at the Screen (Aka “The Analog Hole”)

This attack is so low-tech that it's impossible to prevent, although 
watermarking can discourage it. No matter how good your camera is, your 
recording will be imperfect. Sometimes called a "camrip", these are the bottom
of the barrel in the video archival scene.

--[ Method 1: Digitally Recording the HDMI Port

HDCP ("High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection") is supposed to make this 
impossible, by encrypting the video link, but in practice even newer versions 
of HDCP are trivially bypassed using "splitter" dongles[4]. Similarly, it may 
be possible to record a device's screen using pure software methods, although 
CDMs can take steps to prevent this using platform-specific features.

The result of this approach is much better than a camrip, but it also 
necessitates re-compressing the video data. This is undesirable because it 
either inflates the file size, introduces codec artifacts, or both. This 
problem is known as Generation Loss[5]. The resulting video file might be 
labeled as a "WEBRip".

--[ Method 2: Exfiltrating the Decrypted but Not-Yet-Decompressed Data

Video decoding (i.e. decompression) is a separate process to decryption. At 
the very least, these will be implemented by two different areas of software, 
or even different pieces of hardware (e.g. a hardware video decoder.) CDMs 
will do their best to prevent it, but as the data travels between these two 
components it is potentially exposed to adversarial archivists.

--[ Method 3: Exfiltrating Content Keys

For decryption to work, the relevant keys must be held *somewhere* within the 
walls of the CDM, within the playback device owned by the attacker. The keys 
can be obfuscated[6], put in secure hardware, etc., but they're still in 
there somewhere. A sufficiently determined attacker will always be able to get 
them back out again. Cryptographic side-channel attacks[7] are very much on 
the cards here.

--[ Method 4. Exfiltrating CDM Secrets

In practice, the CDM must contain some sort of key material that it uses to 
authenticate itself as genuine, during License Acquisition (i.e. content key 
provisioning.) This key material might be provisioned to hardware during 
device manufacturing, or it might just be another software-obfuscated secret. 
If this identification/authentication material can be extracted[8][9][10] (or 
perhaps merely "code lifted"[11], in the case of software obfuscation,) then 
an attacker can replace the whole CDM with their own code, and request content 
keys from the licensing authority directly. They'll still need permission to 
view the content (e.g. a premium account on a streaming service,) but now they 
can trivially access its decryption keys. This general approach is perhaps the 
most difficult to achieve in the first place, but once you've got it working 
it's extremely repeatable.

Those last 3 techniques all permit an archivist to get a complete and 
"untouched" copy of the original video file, without any re-encoding or other 
losses. The resulting file might be referred to as a "WEBDL", which is as good
as it gets for archival of streamed videos (Note: Some people use the terms 
"WEBDL" and "WEBRip" interchangeably. I'm not one of those people.) Truly 
discerning archivists will usually opt for files sourced from physical 
media[12] however, but that's out of scope for this paper.

Every time you see "WEBDL" or "WEBRip" in a media file name, it's likely that 
one of the above techniques were used to obtain it, or some variation thereof.
From the existence of these files we can perhaps infer that DRM is a "solved 
problem" (from the archival perspective, at least,) but many of those 
solutions remain closely guarded secrets.

--[ 1.5: EME, MSE, WTF?

There's one last piece of background to get out of the way before I move on to 
the fun stuff. EME stands for Encrypted Media Extensions. It's a standardized 
API for the web platform that allows web pages to show DRM-encumbered content. 
CENC still exists as a standalone format, but it's most commonly used today as 
a subcomponent of EME.

EME doesn't specify any actual DRM, it just describes an interface between DRM 
systems and web browsers.

MSE stands for Media Source Extensions. It's a closely related API that allows 
for more flexibility in how video data gets piped into HTML <video> elements, 
and using it is essential to EME.

I've shamelessly stolen the title of this subsection from an excellent 
article[13] that introduces these APIs in slightly more detail. It also 
touches on the ClearKey not-DRM system I mentioned in the introduction.

[ 2. Introducing...

.--.                                              .--.
|  |---------.      .-----------------------------|  |
|  |    _____ '.__.' _____ ______ _   _  _____    |  |
|  |   |  __ \  ___ / ____|  ____| \ | |/ ____|   |  |
|  |   | |  | |/ _ \ |    | |__  |  \| | |        |  |
|  |   | |  | |  __/ |    |  __| | . ` | |        |  |
|  |   | |__| |\___| |____| |____| |\  | |____    |  |
|  |   |_____/ .--. \_____|______|_| \_|\_____|   |  |
|  |_________.'    '._____________________________|  |
'--'                                              '--'

I've come up with a new method to achieve exfiltration of decrypted video 
data, BUT without having to directly interfere with a CDM - it stays as a 
"black box". Instead, we manipulate its inputs and outputs, using only the 
documented interfaces (i.e. the CENC file format, and the EME+MSE APIs.) This 
means the attack is broadly applicable, regardless of CDM implementation 
details. It's about as portable as the EME API itself (at least, in theory.) 
This is far from the first time a DRM system has been broken, but it might be 
the first* time it's been done in such a generic and broadly-scoped way.

*An honorable mention definitely goes to "Steal This Movie: Automatically 
Bypassing DRM Protection in Streaming Media Services"[14]. In the years since 
that paper, DRM systems have been hardened against such approaches, although I 
imagine the same will be true for DeCENC in the future.

Here's an overview of the attack:

               +----- The Big Scary DRM Black-Box -----+
               |                                       |
+----------+   |  +-------------+                      |
|          |   |  |   License   |                      |
|          |<---->| Acquisition |                      |
|  Movies  |   |  +-------------+                      |
|   R Us   |   |        | Keyz                         |
|          |   |        v           +---------------+  |
|          |   |  +-------------+   |     Video     |  |  +---------+
|          | ,--->| Decryption  |------------------------>| Monitor |-> eyes
+----------+ | |  +-------------+   |    Decoder    |  |  +---------+
     |       | |                    +---------------+  |       |
     v       | +---------------------------------------+       |
  +-----+    |                                                 |
  | hax |----'                                                 |
  +-----+       HDMI capture card, or maybe a very good camera |
     |    ,----------------------------------------------------'
     v    v
  | more hax |-------> Hot.New.Movie.2024.2160p.WEB-DL.mp4

The main trick here is a method to "bypass" the video decoder (I'll explain 
what that means shortly.)

The consequence is that decrypted (but still compressed) video data is 
rendered onto the screen as-is, in raw form. Visually this just looks like 
random noise, but if recorded and processed appropriately it can be 
recombined with the source media steam to obtain a playable decrypted copy. 
Although a capture card may be involved in this process, there is no need to 
re-compress any data, making the resulting file a "WEBDL" rather than a 

The attack involves feeding a specially crafted MPEG-CENC file (containing a 
crafted h264 bitstream) into the CDM. You might be thinking "surely the CDM 
would detect that you're feeding in the wrong file, and reject it?"

That would be a very sensible thing for it to do, but the MPEG-CENC format 
provides no affordances for doing so.

--[ 2.0: How to Bypass a Video Decoder

Under normal video-watching conditions, what you see on your screen is the 
output of the video decoder. As an attacker, we aren't too interested in the 
decoded version of the video, we want the original compressed version (just 
after it's been decrypted.)

If we could somehow reverse the process of the decoder, we could get the data 
we want. If we characterize the video decoder as a mathematical function, 
mapping "codec bits" to "screen pixels", it is Surjective. That is, there's 
more than one (in fact, infinitely many) ways a given set of screen pixels 
can be represented in the codec bits. As attacker with access to the screen 
pixels, we can't hope to uniquely identify the codec bits that were originally 
used as input to the decoder, in the general case. (It's perhaps not 
completely impossible in practice, but it'd be an enormously complex and 
fragile process.)

But, we don't need to solve the general case, we can engineer a special case! 
If we craft a bitstream just right, we can ensure it has a very predictable 
decode, making it trivial to infer the codec input data from the screen pixel 

The key to making predictable bitstreams is the "I_PCM macroblock", which is a
codec feature present in both h264 and h265. An I_PCM macroblock is a 16x16 
pixel* block of raw uncompressed pixel data. As demonstrated in the diagram 
below, it completely bypasses all of the usual complexity involved in I-frame 
macroblock decoding.

*h265 supports other sizes.

                       |                       |
                 +-----v-----+                 |
                 |  Entropy  |               I_PCM
                 |   Decode  |               Mode
                 +-----+-----+                 |
                       |                       |
                       |-----------------.     |
                       |                 |     |
                 +-----v-----+           |     |
                 | De-quant  |       Lossless  |
                 +-----+-----+         Mode    |
                       |                 |     |
                       |-----------.     |     |
                       |           |     |     |
                 +-----v-----+     |     |     |
                 |  Inverse  | Transform |     |
                 | Transform |   Skip    |     |
                 +-----+-----+   Mode    |     |
                       |           |     |     |
                       |<----------'     |     |
                       |<----------------'     |
+-------------+        v                       |
| Intra/Inter |       .-.                      |
| Prediction  |----->: + :                     |
+-------------+       '-'                      |

(Diagram based on Fig. 6.10 of "High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC): 
Algorithms and Architectures"[15])

If we construct a whole video out of only I_PCM macroblocks, the encode/decode 
process becomes completely predictable and invertible.

--[ 2.1: Leveraging I_PCM

I mentioned earlier that MPEG-CENC holds metadata about which data is 
encrypted and how. This metadata is extremely granular, allowing specific byte 
ranges to be marked as encrypted vs not encrypted. There are some alignment 
requirements, but that's all.

To perform the attack, we parse the original encrypted CENC file and identify 
the encrypted byte ranges. This is the data we want to decrypt.

We stuff the encrypted data into the bodies of I_PCM macroblocks, making a 
whole video full of them. We add metadata to this new video file, instructing 
the CDM to decrypt only the bodies of the macroblocks.

When the CDM processes this crafted file, it'll decrypt the macroblocks for 
us, and display their contents verbatim on the screen. Visually, this will 
look like random garbage data. But as they say, one man's trash is another's 

The screen contents are then captured losslessly (using one of several 
plausible methods,) and the pixel values are processed to place the decrypted 
byte values back into the original file. The end result is a fully decrypted 

--[ 2.2: The Devilish Details

Maybe I made things sound easy in the above summary, but there are several 
"gotchas", which I'll now discuss.

--[ 2.2.0: Background: AES-CTR

CENC has several encryption modes, and the most prevalent is called... "cenc" 
mode. Yup, not confusing at all (I will disambiguate by using lowercase to 
refer to the mode, and uppercase to refer to the file format.)

In cenc mode, AES-CTR is used to encrypt arbitrary sub-regions of the video 
codec data.

AES is a block cipher. In its purest sense, AES takes a 128-bit block of 
plaintext and a 128-bit key* as input, and produces a 128-bit ciphertext (i.e. 
encryption.) Or the reverse, taking a ciphertext and key to return the 
original plaintext (i.e. decryption.)

*other key lengths are available.

We usually care about encrypting messages that are not exactly 128 bits long, 
hence "block modes" exist, which are used to construct a more versatile 

AES-CTR is one such block mode. CTR is short for "counter" - a value that's
incremented for each processed block.

AES-CTR encryption works like this:

              ctr+0                   ctr+1                   ctr+2
                |                       |                       |
            +---v---+               +---v---+               +---v---+
      key ->|  AES  |         key ->|  AES  |         key ->|  AES  |
            |encrypt|               |encrypt|               |encrypt|
            +-------+               +-------+               +-------+
                | keystream0            | keystream1            | keystream2
             +--v--+                 +--v--+                 +--v--+
plaintext0 ->| XOR |    plaintext1 ->| XOR |    plaintext2 ->| XOR |
             +-----+                 +-----+                 +-----+
                |                       |                       |
                v                       v                       v
           ciphertext0             ciphertext1             ciphertext2

And similarly, decryption:

               ctr+0                   ctr+1                   ctr+2
                 |                       |                       |
             +---v---+               +---v---+               +---v---+
       key ->|  AES  |         key ->|  AES  |         key ->|  AES  |
             |encrypt|               |encrypt|               |encrypt|
             +-------+               +-------+               +-------+
                 | keystream0            | keystream1            | keystream2
              +--v--+                 +--v--+                 +--v--+
ciphertext0 ->| XOR |   ciphertext1 ->| XOR |   ciphertext2 ->| XOR |
              +-----+                 +-----+                 +-----+
                 |                       |                       |
                 v                       v                       v
             plaintext0              plaintext1              plaintext2

Notice that the only difference here is that the positions of the ciphertext 
and plaintext have been swapped. The core AES block cipher is in "encrypt" 
mode in both cases. One way to think about this construction is that we 
generate a "keystream" through successive encryptions of the counter value 
(with the same key each time,) and then XOR the keystream with the plaintext. 
Since the XOR operator is its own inverse, you can XOR the keystream with the 
ciphertext to recover the original plaintext. If you want to deal with data is
not a multiple of 128 bits in length, you can just pad it out to the next 
block boundary and ignore the "extra" data in the result.

When we set up the I_PCM trick as described above, we're basically 
constructing an arbitrary decryption oracle. The CDM holds the key (even 
though we don't know its value,) and we get to pick the CTR and ciphertext 
values. Finally, we get to harvest the resulting plaintexts.

For reasons that will become apparent later, I don't actually focus on 
harvesting the plaintexts, not at first. I am primarily interested in deriving 
the keystream. I set the ciphertext bytes in the I_PCM block to a random 
value, harvest the corresponding plaintext, and then XOR it with the 
ciphertext I initially chose. This recovers the keystream bytes for a 
particular CTR value.

--[ 2.2.1: NAL Unit Emulation Prevention Bytes

If you craft a CENC+h264 file comprised of random encrypted I_PCM blocks, and 
ask a CDM to decrypt it and play it back to you, it'll *mostly* work. You'll 
see a bunch of random pixels on your screen (as expected,) but you'll 
occasionally see visual glitches, dropped frames, and debug logs about invalid 
NAL units. What's going on?

NAL stands for Network Abstraction Layer, and honestly I couldn't tell you 
what it's true purpose is, or why it's here and now, causing us problems. What 
I *can* tell you is that it's a framing layer that sits between the codec 
bitstream (e.g. h264) and the container (e.g. mp4.) Or something like that. 
NAL units are delimited by the byte sequence 00 00 01 or 00 00 00 01. If one 
of these crops up in our decrypted data, purely by bad luck, it'll cause a 
decode error. The correct way to avoid this, in non-evil circumstances, is 
through an overcomplicated escaping scheme. But we don't get to control the 
values the bytes decrypt to in the first place, so there's not a lot we can do 
about it here.

Rather than trying to do something clever (cleverer options are certainly 
available,) I just accept that certain frames will error out, detect those 
errors (more on this later,) and retry until I get a good one. As mentioned 
above, I am randomizing the ciphertext bytes I store in the I_PCM blocks. This 
means when I retry, the plaintext bytes will be randomly different too, and 
will hopefully not contain a NAL delimiter the second time around.

--[ 2.2.2: Chroma Subsampling

Video (and image) compression schemes make use of chroma-subsampled color 
representations, to save on data. Rather than representing colors as an RGB 
triple, they're represented as a YUV triple, where Y is luminance 
(colloquially, brightness) and UV is chrominance (the hue information.) 
Because our eyes are more sensitive to small-scale brightness variations than 
small-scale color variations, the color information can be stored at a lower 
resolution (typically half, aka YUV420).

Rather than fiddle around with colorspace conversion math (and interpolation, 
etc. etc.,) I decided to just not use the UV components in my attack. I_PCM 
blocks store the all the Y data first, followed by U then V (aka "planar" 
format.) I set the U and V values to all 0x80 (the neutral value,) and in the 
CENC metadata I only mark the Y bytes as the encrypted range. The resulting 
decrypted "garbage pixels" we see on the screen will therefore be 
black-and-white, and I can process their values without worrying about math. 
Except for...

--[ 2.2.3: Limited Range Color

The one thing that tripped me up hardest was the disgusting invention known as
"limited range color". Much like NAL units, I couldn't tell you why it 
exists, merely that it does. In "full range color", the Y channel is stored 
as an integer in the range 0-255. Limited range color is cursed such that it 
only uses the range 16-235, with 16 representing full-black and 235 
representing full-white. It is common for the output of a video codec to be 
"limited range", and then to be converted to full-range for display on a PC. 
The "garbage pixels" I described above (containing our precious decrypted 
data) will range from 0-255. If the video player is expecting limited-range 
color (which is the default,) it will try to map the range 16-235 onto 0-255, 
which will clip values below 16 or above 235. In informal terms, it'll crush 
the shadows and blow out the highlights. This is a problem for us because we 
need to know the original codec output data. If we see a "0" byte in the 
output, it could have originally been anything in the range 0-16.

There are container-level flags to specify that the output is full-range 
color, which would be a great solution except for the fact that some players 
seem to ignore them anyway. To keep my attack as universal as possible, I 
sought to make it work even if the output is getting range-mapped.

To explain my solution to this problem, I'll first explain what my generated 
video I-frames (each comprised of multiple I_PCM blocks) look like:

 y +----+----+----+----+----+
 | |csum|    |    |    |    |
 v |meta|    |    |    |    |
   |    |    |    |    |    |
   |    |    |    |    |    |
   |    |    |    |    |ramp|
   |    |    |    |    |csum|

In practice there are a few more rows and columns than this. The unlabeled 
blocks are encrypted I_PCM blocks.

The top-left block is a plaintext I_PCM block that contains a checksum, and 
then metadata (the checksum is calculated over the metadata.) This block 
arrangement and metadata format is one made up by me, for this exploit, 
allowing me to track the flow of data through the CDM. The metadata describes 
information like the initial CTR value, and the random ciphertext value that's 
been stuffed into the I_PCM blocks. The same checksum value is duplicated in 
the lower-right corner of the frame too (which is also a plaintext I_PCM 
block.) The purpose of these checksums is to detect corrupted frames (e.g. due 
to NAL errors, or vsync tearing during playback.)

The lower-right block also contains a "calibration ramp" - a gradient from 0 
(black) to 255 (white). Well, it would go all the way to 255, if not for the 
fact that the last 16 bytes are covered up by the checksum. The purpose of 
this calibration ramp is to allow us to map "original" byte values to their 
range-mapped result. As mentioned earlier, we will not be able to 
unambiguously recover values that started off in the range 0-16, or 235-255. 
To solve this, each frame is repeated twice. First with an arbitrary random 
ciphertext value in the I_PCM blocks, and then with the same value but XORed 
with 0x80. This guarantees that for at least one frame variant, we'll be able 
to unambiguously recover the pre-range-corrected pixel value (and thus, infer 
the corresponding keystream bytes.)

There were a few spare pixels in the metadata block, which I use to display 
some cool scrolling text :P

--[ 2.2.4: Crafting I_PCM Bitstreams

Crafting a video that consists only of I_PCM blocks is an unusual thing to 
want to do, and I couldn't find any existing tools that would let me do it. To 
enable this, I wrote small patches for libx264 (for h264) and kvazaar (h265) 
respectively. My x264 patch is surprisingly clean but the kvazaar patch is 
janky as heck, but it works for my needs (barely).

One gotcha with h265 is that it stores the blocks in a tree structure made up 
of CTUs ("Coding Tree Units".) In practice, this means that your I_PCM blocks 
are stored in a weird permutation of the order you'd expect, but once you've 
figured out that permutation you can just invert it.

I use a python script to generate the input pixel data in YUV4MPEG2 format, 
which is piped into x264 or kvazaar to generate the codec bitstream.

--[ 2.2.5: Metadata Preparation

This was one of the hardest parts of the whole attack. As I'll talk about 
later, MP4 is nasty to work with, and information about the correct way of 
doing things is hard to come by.

While tools exist for preparing CENC files "normally" (shout outs to mp4box, 
bento4, and more,) there are no off-the-shelf tools for crafting CENC metadata 
with the degree of precision that I needed. Features such as: full control of 
every CTR value, marking specific byte regions as encrypted or unencrypted, 
and the ability to do everything on-the-fly in a "streaming" fashion.

Even existing low-level libraries couldn't quite do what I wanted, so I wrote 
my own. It's far from a production-quality solution, but it does all the 
mp4-wrangling I needed for this attack. I start by using ffmpeg to generate a 
regular mp4 with no CENC metadata, then I parse and reserialize it (with the 
addition of my custom CENC metadata,) all on-the-fly.

As outlined earlier, we need to store metadata that describes where the 
encrypted and unencrypted data ranges are. The MP4 file format is based on 
"atoms" or "boxes" (two different names for the same concept, of course.) 
Boxes are identified by a 4-byte ascii identifier (aka a fourcc,) and the senc 
box is the one we care about most. It's defined as part of the CENC 
specification like so:

aligned(8) class SampleEncryptionBox
      extends FullBox(‘senc’, version=0, flags)
      unsigned int(32) sample_count;
            unsigned int(Per_Sample_IV_Size*8) InitializationVector;
            if (flags & 0x000002)
                  unsigned int(16) subsample_count;
                        unsigned int(16) BytesOfClearData;
                        unsigned int(32) BytesOfProtectedData;
                  } [ subsample_count ]
      }[ sample_count ]

If subsample encryption mode is enabled (flag bit 0x02) then we get to specify 
encrypted and unencrypted ranges with byte-level granularity. We also get to 
specify the IV (in cenc mode, the IV is the initial CTR value.)

For our purposes, a Sample is a frame's worth of bitstream data (I'm not sure 
if this is universally true.)

For what I can only assume are "legacy" reasons, there are two different ways 
that the body of the senc data can be parsed out of a CENC file. You can read 
it through the senc box itself (FFmpeg and Chromium do this,) or by reading 
its offset and length out of the saio and saiz boxes respectively (Firefox 
does this.) The latter approach is unfortunate because the saiz box uses an 
8-bit integer to store the length, which limits the length of the senc data to 
255 bytes. This in turn limits the number of encrypted I_PCM blocks we can put 
in a single frame, which in turn limits the total bandwidth we can exfiltrate 
data at, in the general case (but it's not so bad really).

(Aside: Maybe you could exploit this difference to craft a video that looks 
different in Firefox vs Chromium)

--[ 2.2.6: Video Stream Substitution

We need to feed our crafted video stream into a CDM, in place of the original 
file it expects to be playing.

For basic proof-of-concept testing with our own test files, where we know the 
key, we can use ffmpeg as a CDM, since it knows how to decrypt CENC files *if* 
provided with the key. In this case there's no need for any clever tricks, we 
just pass in the crafted file. The testall.sh script in the DeCENC source repo 
implements this.

But for a slightly more real-world demonstration, we want to attack a web app 
playing a video through the EME API. By hooking the EME APIs using a browser 
extension (actually, we hook the closely related MSE APIs[18],) we can 
conveniently shim in our own media source in a portable way.

In a similar vein to CENC, the EME+MSE APIs are not DRM systems unto 
themselves, but a standard interface widely used *by* DRM systems. By 
developing only against these standard interfaces, we can (in theory) test 
against any compatible DRM system. Interop win!

misc/mse_hijack.js in the DeCENC source repo is a userscript that implements 

--[ 2.2.7: Putting it all Together

To turn all this theory into practice, I wrote a service in Python that 
orchestrates the whole attack. It has an sqlite database that's initialized 
with a list of all the AES blocks we need to decrypt (specifically, the 
relevant CTR values,) and as the attack progresses, corresponding keystream 
blocks are stored to the db.

The server is capable of generating the crafted mp4 files (containing crafted 
h264 or h265 bitstreams) completely on-the-fly, along with ingesting any 
screen-recording data (whether it's software-recorded from OBS, or from a 
hardware capture device,) and processing the recorded data to extract the 
keystream bytes.

All the aforementioned retry-on-error logic is handled automagically by this 

Once the database is complete (all keystream blocks found) then it can be 
processed by a separate script to produce the final decrypted video file.

I built a simple EME+MSE demo webpage, as part of the DeCENC repo, on which 
we can mount a "realistic" proof-of-concept attack.

[ 3. Capabilities

My demo works against a 144p h264 video file because I didn't want to store 
large files in the repo, but there are no fundamental resolution limitations 
to this technique. It works equally well with 4K video content, and with h265 
content (although there are a few semi-hardcoded h264 things in the code for 
now; I might add a config flag for it).

I implemented my attack against the "cenc mode" of CENC, which is the most 
prevalent mode, but not the only mode. "cbcs" mode is common too, which uses 
AES-CBC blocks in a repeating pattern of encrypted vs unencrypted blocks. I 
haven't implemented an attack on this mode yet, but it should be possible.

I haven't thought about audio at all. It's quite common for audio to be 
unencrypted on video-streaming platforms, but not always. Maybe there are 
audio codecs with an I_PCM equivalent, or similarly invertible codec feature.

As I mentioned in the introduction, I'm not going to talk about impacts on 
specific DRM systems in this paper. DeCENC is a research tool that should 
enable vendors or other security researchers to figure that out for 

[ 4. Mitigations

There are definitely some things that vendors could do to mitigate this 
attack. And there are definitely ways that those mitigations could be 
bypassed. I'll leave both as an exercise to the reader :P

The long-term solution here is going to involve updating CENC to add support 
for authenticated encryption modes (AEAD in particular), but I imagine that'll 
take a long time to roll out.

Dear ISO: Please name one of the new modes "aenc". No particular reason, I'd 
just like to be able to say I influenced an ISO spec! (Also, please don't 
paywall it.)

[ 5. Aside: Learning about h264, MP4, ISO-BMFF

Understanding these formats/specifications was critical for me in performing 
this research.

Half of the relevant specs are paywalled, but once you've dealt with that 
limitation they're still sprawling and incomprehensible. I'm used to being 
able to understand things from reading their specs, but that really wasn't the 
case here.

For h264 in particular, I was surprised to find the best information in book 
format - "The H.264 Advanced Video Compression Standard" by Iain E. 
Richardson[17]. I didn't read it cover-to-cover because I'm incapable of such 
feats, but it was great for reference on how particular features worked.

For MP4/ISO-BMFF, and CENC itself, I had the best luck looking at existing 
implementation code.

For MP4, the pymp4[18] library was a valuable resource. For CENC, one of the 
most understandable implementations I found was deep inside Firefox's source 

[ 6. Reflections

This attack seems incredibly obvious in retrospect, from a high-level view. 
And yet, I seem to have been the first to notice it - or maybe just the first 
to write about it publicly.

I think it boils down to the high number of moving parts involved. As a whole, 
EME+MP4+CENC is a sprawling set of specifications that feel very "design by 
committee". I'd wager that no individual has complete visibility of the full 
system, from the top-level all the way down to the nuts and bolts. Even after 
doing this research, I only know a small slice of the whole picture - but it 
was just the right slice.

To get philosophical about it for a moment, you're unlikely to ever know *the 
most* about a topic, but you can certainly learn a unique slice of it. And 
from that vantage point, you can make new connections.

[ 7. References

[0] https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/2202/lessons-learned-and-misc

[1] https://www.iso.org/standard/84637.html ISO/IEC 23001-7:2023 Part 7 

[2] https://www.w3.org/TR/encrypted-media/ W3C EME

[3] https://github.com/DavidBuchanan314/DeCENC

[4] https://torrentfreak.com/4k-content-protection-stripper-beats-warner-

[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_loss

[6] http://phrack.org/issues/68/8.html "Practical cracking of white-box 
implementations" by SysK

[7] https://twitter.com/David3141593/status/1080606827384131590

[8] https://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2024/May/5 "Microsoft PlayReady - 
complete client identity compromise" by Adam Gowdiak

[9] https://hyrathon.github.io/posts/wideshears/wideshears-wp.pdf 
"Wideshears: Investigating and Breaking Widevine on QTEE" by Qi Zhao

[10] https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.09298 "Exploring Widevine for Fun and Profit"
 - Gwendal Patat, Mohamed Sabt, Pierre-Alain Fouque, 2022

[11] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White-box_cryptography#Security_goals - 
Code Lifting

[12] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEBuiecLZGg "37C3 - Full AACSess: 
Exposing and exploiting AACSv2 UHD DRM for your viewing pleasure" by Adam 

[13] https://web.dev/articles/eme-basics "EME WTF? An introduction to 
Encrypted Media Extensions", by Sam Dutton

[14] https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity13/technical-sessions/pap
er/wang_ruoyu "Steal This Movie"

[15] "High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC): Algorithms and Architectures" by 
Vivienne Sze, Madhukar Budagavi, Gary J. Sullivan, 2014. ISBN 3319068946,

[16] https://www.w3.org/TR/media-source-2/ W3C MSE

[17] "The H.264 Advanced Video Compression Standard" by Iain E. Richardson

[18] https://github.com/beardypig/pymp4

[19] https://github.com/mozilla/gecko-dev/blob/9c65def36af441133c75a44b126e651

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